dtc->elements[$name]))) { if ($p = strpos($name, ':')) { $name = substr($name, $p + 1); $p = isset($this->dtc->elements[$name]); } if (!$p) { coordonnees_erreur($this, " $name : " . _T('zxml_inconnu_balise')); return; } } // controler les filles illegitimes, ca suffit $depth = $this->depth; $ouvrant = $this->ouvrant; #spip_log("trouve $name apres " . $ouvrant[$depth]); if (isset($ouvrant[$depth])) { if (preg_match('/^\s*(\w+)/', $ouvrant[$depth], $r)) { $pere = $r[1]; #spip_log("pere $pere"); if (isset($this->dtc->elements[$pere])) { $fils = $this->dtc->elements[$pere]; #spip_log("rejeton $name fils " . @join(',',$fils)); if (!($p = @in_array($name, $fils))) { if ($p = strpos($name, ':')) { $p = substr($name, $p + 1); $p = @in_array($p, $fils); } } if (!$p) { $bons_peres = @join(', ', $this->dtc->peres[$name]); coordonnees_erreur($this, " $name " . _T('zxml_non_fils') . ' ' . $pere . '' . (!$bons_peres ? '' : ('
' . _T('zxml_mais_de') . ' ' . $bons_peres . '
'))); } elseif ($this->dtc->regles[$pere][0] == '/') { $frat = substr($depth, 2); if (!isset($this->fratrie[$frat])) { $this->fratrie[$frat] = ''; } $this->fratrie[$frat] .= "$name "; } } } } // Init de la suite des balises a memoriser si regle difficile if ($this->dtc->regles[$name] and $this->dtc->regles[$name][0] == '/') { $this->fratrie[$depth] = ''; } if (isset($this->dtc->attributs[$name])) { foreach ($this->dtc->attributs[$name] as $n => $v) { if (($v[1] == '#REQUIRED') and (!isset($attrs[$n]))) { coordonnees_erreur($this, " $n" . ' : ' . _T('zxml_obligatoire_attribut') . " $name"); } } } } // http://code.spip.net/@validerAttribut public function validerAttribut($phraseur, $name, $val, $bal) { // Si la balise est inconnue, eviter d'insister if (!isset($this->dtc->attributs[$bal])) { return; } $a = $this->dtc->attributs[$bal]; if (!isset($a[$name])) { $bons = join(', ', array_keys($a)); if ($bons) { $bons = " title=' " . _T('zxml_connus_attributs') . ' : ' . $bons . "'"; } $bons .= " style='font-weight: bold'"; coordonnees_erreur($this, " $name " . _T('zxml_inconnu_attribut') . ' ' . _T('zxml_de') . " $bal (" . _T('zxml_survoler') . ")"); } else { $type = $a[$name][0]; if (!preg_match('/^\w+$/', $type)) { $this->valider_motif($phraseur, $name, $val, $bal, $type); } else { if (method_exists($this, $f = 'validerAttribut_' . $type)) { $this->$f($phraseur, $name, $val, $bal); } } # else spip_log("$type type d'attribut inconnu"); } } public function validerAttribut_NMTOKEN($phraseur, $name, $val, $bal) { $this->valider_motif($phraseur, $name, $val, $bal, _REGEXP_NMTOKEN); } public function validerAttribut_NMTOKENS($phraseur, $name, $val, $bal) { $this->valider_motif($phraseur, $name, $val, $bal, _REGEXP_NMTOKENS); } // http://code.spip.net/@validerAttribut_ID public function validerAttribut_ID($phraseur, $name, $val, $bal) { if (isset($this->ids[$val])) { list($l, $c) = $this->ids[$val]; coordonnees_erreur($this, "$val " . _T('zxml_valeur_attribut') . " $name " . _T('zxml_de') . " $bal " . _T('zxml_vu') . " (L$l,C$c)"); } else { $this->valider_motif($phraseur, $name, $val, $bal, _REGEXP_ID); $this->ids[$val] = array(xml_get_current_line_number($phraseur), xml_get_current_column_number($phraseur)); } } // http://code.spip.net/@validerAttribut_IDREF public function validerAttribut_IDREF($phraseur, $name, $val, $bal) { $this->idrefs[] = array($val, xml_get_current_line_number($phraseur), xml_get_current_column_number($phraseur)); } // http://code.spip.net/@validerAttribut_IDREFS public function validerAttribut_IDREFS($phraseur, $name, $val, $bal) { $this->idrefss[] = array($val, xml_get_current_line_number($phraseur), xml_get_current_column_number($phraseur)); } // http://code.spip.net/@valider_motif public function valider_motif($phraseur, $name, $val, $bal, $motif) { if (!preg_match($motif, $val)) { coordonnees_erreur($this, "$val " . _T('zxml_valeur_attribut') . " $name " . _T('zxml_de') . " $bal " . _T('zxml_non_conforme') . "
" . "" . $motif . ""); } } // http://code.spip.net/@valider_idref public function valider_idref($nom, $ligne, $col) { if (!isset($this->ids[$nom])) { $this->err[] = array("
$nom " . _T('zxml_inconnu_id'), $ligne, $col); } } // http://code.spip.net/@valider_passe2 public function valider_passe2() { if (!$this->err) { foreach ($this->idrefs as $idref) { list($nom, $ligne, $col) = $idref; $this->valider_idref($nom, $ligne, $col); } foreach ($this->idrefss as $idref) { list($noms, $ligne, $col) = $idref; foreach (preg_split('/\s+/', $noms) as $nom) { $this->valider_idref($nom, $ligne, $col); } } } } // http://code.spip.net/@debutElement public function debutElement($phraseur, $name, $attrs) { if ($this->dtc->elements) { $this->validerElement($phraseur, $name, $attrs); } if ($f = $this->process['debut']) { $f($this, $name, $attrs); } $depth = $this->depth; $this->debuts[$depth] = strlen($this->res); foreach ($attrs as $k => $v) { $this->validerAttribut($phraseur, $k, $v, $name); } } // http://code.spip.net/@finElement public function finElement($phraseur, $name) { $depth = $this->depth; $contenu = $this->contenu; $n = strlen($this->res); $c = strlen(trim($contenu[$depth])); $k = $this->debuts[$depth]; $regle = isset($this->dtc->regles[$name]) ? $this->dtc->regles[$name] : false; $vide = ($regle == 'EMPTY'); // controler que les balises devant etre vides le sont if ($vide) { if ($n <> ($k + $c)) { coordonnees_erreur($this, "
$name " . _T('zxml_nonvide_balise')); } // pour les regles PCDATA ou iteration de disjonction, tout est fait } elseif ($regle and ($regle != '*')) { if ($regle == '+') { // iteration de disjonction non vide: 1 balise au - if ($n == $k) { coordonnees_erreur($this, "
\n$name " . _T('zxml_vide_balise')); } } else { $f = isset($this->fratrie[substr($depth, 2)]) ? $this->fratrie[substr($depth, 2)] : null; if (is_null($f) or !preg_match($regle, $f)) { coordonnees_erreur($this, "
\n$name " . _T('zxml_succession_fils_incorrecte') . ' : ' . $f . ''); } } } if ($f = $this->process['fin']) { $f($this, $name, $vide); } } // http://code.spip.net/@textElement public function textElement($phraseur, $data) { if (trim($data)) { $d = $this->depth; $d = $this->ouvrant[$d]; preg_match('/^\s*(\S+)/', $d, $m); if (isset($this->dtc->pcdata[$m[1]]) and ($this->dtc->pcdata[$m[1]])) { coordonnees_erreur($this, "
" . $m[1] . " " . _T('zxml_nonvide_balise') // message a affiner ); } } if ($f = $this->process['text']) { $f($this, $data); } } public function piElement($phraseur, $target, $data) { if ($f = $this->process['pi']) { $f($this, $target, $data); } } // Denonciation des entitees XML inconnues // Pour contourner le bug de conception de SAX qui ne signale pas si elles // sont dans un attribut, les entites les plus frequentes ont ete // transcodees au prealable (sauf & < > " que SAX traite correctement). // On ne les verra donc pas passer a cette etape, contrairement a ce que // le source de la page laisse legitimement supposer. // http://code.spip.net/@defautElement public function defaultElement($phraseur, $data) { if (!preg_match('/^