'No provider', // B 'bouton_lecture' => 'Play', // E 'erreur_ajout_provider' => 'Error when adding the provider.', 'erreur_scheme_doublon' => 'This scheme is already in the list.', 'explication_scheme' => 'use * as wildcard', 'explication_upload_url' => 'Simply specify the URL of the page that contains the document for the most usual sites .', // I 'info_1_provider' => '1 provider', 'info_nb_providers' => '@nb@ providers', // L 'label_detecter_lien' => 'Automatically detect providers (ignore the white list)?', 'label_embed_auto' => 'Automatically convert URLs inserted in the text?', 'label_endpoint' => 'Endpoint', 'label_inserer_head' => 'The site is itself provider oembed', 'label_maxheight' => 'Maximum height by default (px)', 'label_maxwidth' => 'Maximum width by default (px)', 'label_scheme' => 'Scheme', // O 'ok_ajout_provider' => 'Provider added', // S 'supprimer_provider' => 'Delete', // T 'titre_ajouter_provider' => 'Add a provider', 'titre_configuration_avancee_providers' => 'Access the advanced configuration of oEmbed providers', 'titre_configurer_oembed' => 'Configure oEmbed', 'titre_configurer_providers' => 'oEmbed providers', 'titre_oembed' => 'oEmbed' );