91 lines
3.2 KiB
91 lines
3.2 KiB
// This is a SPIP language file -- Ceci est un fichier langue de SPIP
// extrait automatiquement de https://trad.spip.net/tradlang_module/crayons?lang_cible=en
// ** ne pas modifier le fichier **
if (!defined('_ECRIRE_INC_VERSION')) {
$GLOBALS[$GLOBALS['idx_lang']] = array(
// A
'absence_cle_primaire' => 'No primary key!',
'activation_barre_impossible' => 'Another plugin is preventing the use of porte-plume on the public site.',
'annuler' => 'Cancel',
// B
'bouton_supprimer' => 'Delete',
// D
'deja_modifie' => 'Already modified',
'donnees_mal_formatees' => 'Invalid request format',
// E
'editer' => 'Edit',
'editer_@type@_@id@' => 'Edit the whole @type@ @id@',
'editer_tout' => 'Edit as a whole',
'effets' => 'Effects',
'explication_exec_autorise' => 'Pages which are authorised for changes
(?exec=...) : (, to separate several pages - * for all).',
'explication_introduction_article' => 'The introduction for an article displays the description of that article if there is one, otherwise it displays the first 600 characters (of the standfirst and text).',
'explication_reduire_logo' => 'Reduce the logo size if it exceeds
the maximum size (in pixels). Example: 100. (0 = never).',
// I
'info_experimental' => 'Experimental',
// L
'label_activer_barre_typo' => 'Activate the typographical bar for "Pencils"?',
'label_activer_crayons_prive' => 'Activate "Pencils" for the editing area.',
'label_barre_typo' => 'Typographical bar',
'label_clickhide' => 'A click outside the area closes the pencils',
'label_effets' => 'Choice of effects',
'label_espaceprive' => 'Use "Pencils" in the editing area?',
'label_exec_autorise' => 'Pages authorised',
'label_filet' => 'Line',
'label_message' => 'Show a message',
'label_msg_abandon' => 'On cancelling',
'label_msg_no_change' => 'If no change made',
'label_reduire_logo' => 'Reduce logos',
'label_upload_document' => 'Allow adding documents by drag and drop on the pencil article.texte',
'label_yellow_fade' => 'Fade',
'legend_controleur_fichier_remplacer' => 'Replace this document "@extension@"',
'legend_controleur_hyperlien' => 'Hyperlink',
'legend_controleur_logo' => 'Choose a logo:',
'legend_controleur_logo_remplacer' => 'Replace this logo',
'legend_controleur_qui' => 'Who?',
'legend_controleur_vignette' => 'Choose a thumbnail:',
'legend_controleur_vignette_remplacer' => 'Replace this thumbnail',
'legend_documents' => 'Upload documents',
'legend_editer_prive' => 'Use in editing area (experimental)',
'legend_introduction_article' => 'Introductory text for the article',
'legend_introduction_rubrique' => 'Section’s introductory text',
// M
'message_image_obligatoire' => 'You need to choose an image',
'messages' => 'Messages',
'modifie_par_ailleurs' => 'Was modified elsewhere in the meantime',
// N
'non_autorise' => 'Not allowed',
'non_implemente' => 'Not implemented',
// P
'pas_de_modification' => 'No change',
'pas_de_valeur' => 'No value for this id',
// S
'sauvegarder' => 'Save changes?',
'svp_copier_coller' => 'Sorry, copy/paste your changes and retry',
// T
'titre_config_crayons' => 'Configure "Pencils"',
'titre_crayons' => 'Pencils',
// U
'update_impossible' => 'The update did not succeed.',
// V
'veuillez_patienter' => 'Searching ...'