
291 lines
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2020-02-24 12:29:22 +00:00
'use strict';
Object.defineProperty(exports, '__esModule', {
value: true
exports.default = void 0;
var _chalk = _interopRequireDefault(require('chalk'));
var _diffSequences = _interopRequireDefault(require('diff-sequences'));
var _constants = require('./constants');
var _printDiffs = require('./printDiffs');
function _interopRequireDefault(obj) {
return obj && obj.__esModule ? obj : {default: obj};
* Copyright (c) Facebook, Inc. and its affiliates. All Rights Reserved.
* This source code is licensed under the MIT license found in the
* LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree.
const fgDelete =;
const fgInsert =;
const fgCommon = _chalk.default.dim; // common lines (even indentation same)
const fgIndent = _chalk.default.cyan; // common lines (only indentation different)
const bgCommon = _chalk.default.bgYellow; // edge spaces in common line (even indentation same)
const bgInverse = _chalk.default.inverse; // edge spaces in any other lines
// ONLY trailing if expected value is snapshot or multiline string.
const highlightTrailingSpaces = (line, bgColor) =>
line.replace(/\s+$/, bgColor('$&')); // BOTH leading AND trailing if expected value is data structure.
const highlightLeadingTrailingSpaces = (
bgColor // If line consists of ALL spaces: highlight all of them.
) =>
highlightTrailingSpaces(line, bgColor).replace(
// If line has an ODD length of leading spaces: highlight only the LAST.
'$1' + bgColor('$2')
const getHighlightSpaces = bothEdges =>
bothEdges ? highlightLeadingTrailingSpaces : highlightTrailingSpaces;
// Given index interval in expected lines, put formatted delete lines.
const formatDelete = (aStart, aEnd, aLinesUn, aLinesIn, put) => {
const highlightSpaces = getHighlightSpaces(aLinesUn !== aLinesIn);
for (let aIndex = aStart; aIndex !== aEnd; aIndex += 1) {
const aLineUn = aLinesUn[aIndex];
const aLineIn = aLinesIn[aIndex];
const indentation = aLineIn.slice(0, aLineIn.length - aLineUn.length);
put(fgDelete('- ' + indentation + highlightSpaces(aLineUn, bgInverse)));
}; // Given index interval in received lines, put formatted insert lines.
const formatInsert = (bStart, bEnd, bLinesUn, bLinesIn, put) => {
const highlightSpaces = getHighlightSpaces(bLinesUn !== bLinesIn);
for (let bIndex = bStart; bIndex !== bEnd; bIndex += 1) {
const bLineUn = bLinesUn[bIndex];
const bLineIn = bLinesIn[bIndex];
const indentation = bLineIn.slice(0, bLineIn.length - bLineUn.length);
put(fgInsert('+ ' + indentation + highlightSpaces(bLineUn, bgInverse)));
}; // Given the number of items and starting indexes of a common subsequence,
// put formatted common lines.
const formatCommon = (
) => {
const highlightSpaces = getHighlightSpaces(bLinesUn !== bLinesIn);
for (; nCommon !== 0; nCommon -= 1, aCommon += 1, bCommon += 1) {
const bLineUn = bLinesUn[bCommon];
const bLineIn = bLinesIn[bCommon];
const bLineInLength = bLineIn.length; // For common lines, received indentation seems more intuitive.
const indentation = bLineIn.slice(0, bLineInLength - bLineUn.length); // Color shows whether expected and received line has same indentation.
const hasSameIndentation = aLinesIn[aCommon].length === bLineInLength;
const fg = hasSameIndentation ? fgCommon : fgIndent;
const bg = hasSameIndentation ? bgCommon : bgInverse;
put(fg(' ' + indentation + highlightSpaces(bLineUn, bg)));
}; // jest --expand
// Return formatted diff as joined string of all lines.
const diffExpand = (aLinesUn, bLinesUn, aLinesIn, bLinesIn) => {
const isCommon = (aIndex, bIndex) => aLinesUn[aIndex] === bLinesUn[bIndex];
const array = [];
const put = line => {
let aStart = 0;
let bStart = 0;
const foundSubsequence = (nCommon, aCommon, bCommon) => {
formatDelete(aStart, aCommon, aLinesUn, aLinesIn, put);
formatInsert(bStart, bCommon, bLinesUn, bLinesIn, put);
formatCommon(nCommon, aCommon, bCommon, aLinesIn, bLinesUn, bLinesIn, put);
aStart = aCommon + nCommon;
bStart = bCommon + nCommon;
const aLength = aLinesUn.length;
const bLength = bLinesUn.length;
(0, _diffSequences.default)(aLength, bLength, isCommon, foundSubsequence); // After the last common subsequence, format remaining change lines.
formatDelete(aStart, aLength, aLinesUn, aLinesIn, put);
formatInsert(bStart, bLength, bLinesUn, bLinesIn, put);
return array.join('\n');
const getContextLines = options =>
options &&
typeof options.contextLines === 'number' &&
options.contextLines >= 0
? options.contextLines
: DIFF_CONTEXT_DEFAULT; // jest --no-expand
// Return joined string of formatted diff for all change lines,
// but if some common lines are omitted because there are more than the context,
// then a “patch mark” precedes each set of adjacent changed and common lines.
const diffNoExpand = (
) => {
const isCommon = (aIndex, bIndex) => aLinesUn[aIndex] === bLinesUn[bIndex];
let iPatchMark = 0; // index of placeholder line for patch mark
const array = [''];
const put = line => {
let isAtEnd = false;
const aLength = aLinesUn.length;
const bLength = bLinesUn.length;
const nContextLines2 = nContextLines + nContextLines; // Initialize the first patch for changes at the start,
// especially for edge case in which there is no common subsequence.
let aStart = 0;
let aEnd = 0;
let bStart = 0;
let bEnd = 0; // Given the number of items and starting indexes of each common subsequence,
// format any preceding change lines, and then common context lines.
const foundSubsequence = (nCommon, aStartCommon, bStartCommon) => {
const aEndCommon = aStartCommon + nCommon;
const bEndCommon = bStartCommon + nCommon;
isAtEnd = aEndCommon === aLength && bEndCommon === bLength; // If common subsequence is at start, re-initialize the first patch.
if (aStartCommon === 0 && bStartCommon === 0) {
const nLines = nContextLines < nCommon ? nContextLines : nCommon;
aStart = aEndCommon - nLines;
bStart = bEndCommon - nLines;
formatCommon(nLines, aStart, bStart, aLinesIn, bLinesUn, bLinesIn, put);
aEnd = aEndCommon;
bEnd = bEndCommon;
} // Format preceding change lines.
formatDelete(aEnd, aStartCommon, aLinesUn, aLinesIn, put);
formatInsert(bEnd, bStartCommon, bLinesUn, bLinesIn, put);
aEnd = aStartCommon;
bEnd = bStartCommon; // If common subsequence is at end, then context follows preceding changes;
// else context follows preceding changes AND precedes following changes.
const maxContextLines = isAtEnd ? nContextLines : nContextLines2;
if (nCommon <= maxContextLines) {
// The patch includes all lines in the common subsequence.
formatCommon(nCommon, aEnd, bEnd, aLinesIn, bLinesUn, bLinesIn, put);
aEnd += nCommon;
bEnd += nCommon;
} // The patch ends because context is less than number of common lines.
formatCommon(nContextLines, aEnd, bEnd, aLinesIn, bLinesUn, bLinesIn, put);
aEnd += nContextLines;
bEnd += nContextLines;
array[iPatchMark] = (0, _printDiffs.createPatchMark)(
); // If common subsequence is not at end, another patch follows it.
if (!isAtEnd) {
iPatchMark = array.length; // index of placeholder line
array[iPatchMark] = '';
const nLines = nContextLines < nCommon ? nContextLines : nCommon;
aStart = aEndCommon - nLines;
bStart = bEndCommon - nLines;
formatCommon(nLines, aStart, bStart, aLinesIn, bLinesUn, bLinesIn, put);
aEnd = aEndCommon;
bEnd = bEndCommon;
(0, _diffSequences.default)(aLength, bLength, isCommon, foundSubsequence); // If no common subsequence or last was not at end, format remaining change lines.
if (!isAtEnd) {
formatDelete(aEnd, aLength, aLinesUn, aLinesIn, put);
formatInsert(bEnd, bLength, bLinesUn, bLinesIn, put);
aEnd = aLength;
bEnd = bLength;
if (aStart === 0 && aEnd === aLength && bStart === 0 && bEnd === bLength) {
array.splice(0, 1); // delete placeholder line for patch mark
} else {
array[iPatchMark] = (0, _printDiffs.createPatchMark)(
return array.join('\n');
var _default = (a, b, options, original) => {
if (a === b) {
return _constants.NO_DIFF_MESSAGE;
let aLinesUn = a.split('\n');
let bLinesUn = b.split('\n'); // Indentation is unknown if expected value is snapshot or multiline string.
let aLinesIn = aLinesUn;
let bLinesIn = bLinesUn;
if (original) {
// Indentation is known if expected value is data structure:
// Compare lines without indentation and format lines with indentation.
aLinesIn = original.a.split('\n');
bLinesIn = original.b.split('\n');
if (
aLinesUn.length !== aLinesIn.length ||
bLinesUn.length !== bLinesIn.length
) {
// Fall back if unindented and indented lines are inconsistent.
aLinesUn = aLinesIn;
bLinesUn = bLinesIn;
return (
(0, _printDiffs.printAnnotation)(options) +
(options && options.expand === false
? diffNoExpand(
: diffExpand(aLinesUn, bLinesUn, aLinesIn, bLinesIn))
exports.default = _default;