"use strict"; Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", { value: true }); exports.default = void 0; function _isInteger() { const data = _interopRequireDefault(require("lodash/isInteger")); _isInteger = function () { return data; }; return data; } function _repeat() { const data = _interopRequireDefault(require("lodash/repeat")); _repeat = function () { return data; }; return data; } var _buffer = _interopRequireDefault(require("./buffer")); var n = _interopRequireWildcard(require("./node")); function t() { const data = _interopRequireWildcard(require("@babel/types")); t = function () { return data; }; return data; } var generatorFunctions = _interopRequireWildcard(require("./generators")); function _getRequireWildcardCache() { if (typeof WeakMap !== "function") return null; var cache = new WeakMap(); _getRequireWildcardCache = function () { return cache; }; return cache; } function _interopRequireWildcard(obj) { if (obj && obj.__esModule) { return obj; } var cache = _getRequireWildcardCache(); if (cache && cache.has(obj)) { return cache.get(obj); } var newObj = {}; if (obj != null) { var hasPropertyDescriptor = Object.defineProperty && Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor; for (var key in obj) { if (Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(obj, key)) { var desc = hasPropertyDescriptor ? Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(obj, key) : null; if (desc && (desc.get || desc.set)) { Object.defineProperty(newObj, key, desc); } else { newObj[key] = obj[key]; } } } } newObj.default = obj; if (cache) { cache.set(obj, newObj); } return newObj; } function _interopRequireDefault(obj) { return obj && obj.__esModule ? obj : { default: obj }; } const SCIENTIFIC_NOTATION = /e/i; const ZERO_DECIMAL_INTEGER = /\.0+$/; const NON_DECIMAL_LITERAL = /^0[box]/; class Printer { constructor(format, map) { this.inForStatementInitCounter = 0; this._printStack = []; this._indent = 0; this._insideAux = false; this._printedCommentStarts = {}; this._parenPushNewlineState = null; this._noLineTerminator = false; this._printAuxAfterOnNextUserNode = false; this._printedComments = new WeakSet(); this._endsWithInteger = false; this._endsWithWord = false; this.format = format || {}; this._buf = new _buffer.default(map); } generate(ast) { this.print(ast); this._maybeAddAuxComment(); return this._buf.get(); } indent() { if (this.format.compact || this.format.concise) return; this._indent++; } dedent() { if (this.format.compact || this.format.concise) return; this._indent--; } semicolon(force = false) { this._maybeAddAuxComment(); this._append(";", !force); } rightBrace() { if (this.format.minified) { this._buf.removeLastSemicolon(); } this.token("}"); } space(force = false) { if (this.format.compact) return; if (this._buf.hasContent() && !this.endsWith(" ") && !this.endsWith("\n") || force) { this._space(); } } word(str) { if (this._endsWithWord || this.endsWith("/") && str.indexOf("/") === 0) { this._space(); } this._maybeAddAuxComment(); this._append(str); this._endsWithWord = true; } number(str) { this.word(str); this._endsWithInteger = (0, _isInteger().default)(+str) && !NON_DECIMAL_LITERAL.test(str) && !SCIENTIFIC_NOTATION.test(str) && !ZERO_DECIMAL_INTEGER.test(str) && str[str.length - 1] !== "."; } token(str) { if (str === "--" && this.endsWith("!") || str[0] === "+" && this.endsWith("+") || str[0] === "-" && this.endsWith("-") || str[0] === "." && this._endsWithInteger) { this._space(); } this._maybeAddAuxComment(); this._append(str); } newline(i) { if (this.format.retainLines || this.format.compact) return; if (this.format.concise) { this.space(); return; } if (this.endsWith("\n\n")) return; if (typeof i !== "number") i = 1; i = Math.min(2, i); if (this.endsWith("{\n") || this.endsWith(":\n")) i--; if (i <= 0) return; for (let j = 0; j < i; j++) { this._newline(); } } endsWith(str) { return this._buf.endsWith(str); } removeTrailingNewline() { this._buf.removeTrailingNewline(); } exactSource(loc, cb) { this._catchUp("start", loc); this._buf.exactSource(loc, cb); } source(prop, loc) { this._catchUp(prop, loc); this._buf.source(prop, loc); } withSource(prop, loc, cb) { this._catchUp(prop, loc); this._buf.withSource(prop, loc, cb); } _space() { this._append(" ", true); } _newline() { this._append("\n", true); } _append(str, queue = false) { this._maybeAddParen(str); this._maybeIndent(str); if (queue) this._buf.queue(str);else this._buf.append(str); this._endsWithWord = false; this._endsWithInteger = false; } _maybeIndent(str) { if (this._indent && this.endsWith("\n") && str[0] !== "\n") { this._buf.queue(this._getIndent()); } } _maybeAddParen(str) { const parenPushNewlineState = this._parenPushNewlineState; if (!parenPushNewlineState) return; this._parenPushNewlineState = null; let i; for (i = 0; i < str.length && str[i] === " "; i++) continue; if (i === str.length) return; const cha = str[i]; if (cha !== "\n") { if (cha !== "/") return; if (i + 1 === str.length) return; const chaPost = str[i + 1]; if (chaPost !== "/" && chaPost !== "*") return; } this.token("("); this.indent(); parenPushNewlineState.printed = true; } _catchUp(prop, loc) { if (!this.format.retainLines) return; const pos = loc ? loc[prop] : null; if (pos && pos.line !== null) { const count = pos.line - this._buf.getCurrentLine(); for (let i = 0; i < count; i++) { this._newline(); } } } _getIndent() { return (0, _repeat().default)(this.format.indent.style, this._indent); } startTerminatorless(isLabel = false) { if (isLabel) { this._noLineTerminator = true; return null; } else { return this._parenPushNewlineState = { printed: false }; } } endTerminatorless(state) { this._noLineTerminator = false; if (state && state.printed) { this.dedent(); this.newline(); this.token(")"); } } print(node, parent) { if (!node) return; const oldConcise = this.format.concise; if (node._compact) { this.format.concise = true; } const printMethod = this[node.type]; if (!printMethod) { throw new ReferenceError(`unknown node of type ${JSON.stringify(node.type)} with constructor ${JSON.stringify(node && node.constructor.name)}`); } this._printStack.push(node); const oldInAux = this._insideAux; this._insideAux = !node.loc; this._maybeAddAuxComment(this._insideAux && !oldInAux); let needsParens = n.needsParens(node, parent, this._printStack); if (this.format.retainFunctionParens && node.type === "FunctionExpression" && node.extra && node.extra.parenthesized) { needsParens = true; } if (needsParens) this.token("("); this._printLeadingComments(node); const loc = t().isProgram(node) || t().isFile(node) ? null : node.loc; this.withSource("start", loc, () => { printMethod.call(this, node, parent); }); this._printTrailingComments(node); if (needsParens) this.token(")"); this._printStack.pop(); this.format.concise = oldConcise; this._insideAux = oldInAux; } _maybeAddAuxComment(enteredPositionlessNode) { if (enteredPositionlessNode) this._printAuxBeforeComment(); if (!this._insideAux) this._printAuxAfterComment(); } _printAuxBeforeComment() { if (this._printAuxAfterOnNextUserNode) return; this._printAuxAfterOnNextUserNode = true; const comment = this.format.auxiliaryCommentBefore; if (comment) { this._printComment({ type: "CommentBlock", value: comment }); } } _printAuxAfterComment() { if (!this._printAuxAfterOnNextUserNode) return; this._printAuxAfterOnNextUserNode = false; const comment = this.format.auxiliaryCommentAfter; if (comment) { this._printComment({ type: "CommentBlock", value: comment }); } } getPossibleRaw(node) { const extra = node.extra; if (extra && extra.raw != null && extra.rawValue != null && node.value === extra.rawValue) { return extra.raw; } } printJoin(nodes, parent, opts = {}) { if (!nodes || !nodes.length) return; if (opts.indent) this.indent(); const newlineOpts = { addNewlines: opts.addNewlines }; for (let i = 0; i < nodes.length; i++) { const node = nodes[i]; if (!node) continue; if (opts.statement) this._printNewline(true, node, parent, newlineOpts); this.print(node, parent); if (opts.iterator) { opts.iterator(node, i); } if (opts.separator && i < nodes.length - 1) { opts.separator.call(this); } if (opts.statement) this._printNewline(false, node, parent, newlineOpts); } if (opts.indent) this.dedent(); } printAndIndentOnComments(node, parent) { const indent = node.leadingComments && node.leadingComments.length > 0; if (indent) this.indent(); this.print(node, parent); if (indent) this.dedent(); } printBlock(parent) { const node = parent.body; if (!t().isEmptyStatement(node)) { this.space(); } this.print(node, parent); } _printTrailingComments(node) { this._printComments(this._getComments(false, node)); } _printLeadingComments(node) { this._printComments(this._getComments(true, node)); } printInnerComments(node, indent = true) { if (!node.innerComments || !node.innerComments.length) return; if (indent) this.indent(); this._printComments(node.innerComments); if (indent) this.dedent(); } printSequence(nodes, parent, opts = {}) { opts.statement = true; return this.printJoin(nodes, parent, opts); } printList(items, parent, opts = {}) { if (opts.separator == null) { opts.separator = commaSeparator; } return this.printJoin(items, parent, opts); } _printNewline(leading, node, parent, opts) { if (this.format.retainLines || this.format.compact) return; if (this.format.concise) { this.space(); return; } let lines = 0; if (this._buf.hasContent()) { if (!leading) lines++; if (opts.addNewlines) lines += opts.addNewlines(leading, node) || 0; const needs = leading ? n.needsWhitespaceBefore : n.needsWhitespaceAfter; if (needs(node, parent)) lines++; } this.newline(lines); } _getComments(leading, node) { return node && (leading ? node.leadingComments : node.trailingComments) || []; } _printComment(comment) { if (!this.format.shouldPrintComment(comment.value)) return; if (comment.ignore) return; if (this._printedComments.has(comment)) return; this._printedComments.add(comment); if (comment.start != null) { if (this._printedCommentStarts[comment.start]) return; this._printedCommentStarts[comment.start] = true; } const isBlockComment = comment.type === "CommentBlock"; this.newline(this._buf.hasContent() && !this._noLineTerminator && isBlockComment ? 1 : 0); if (!this.endsWith("[") && !this.endsWith("{")) this.space(); let val = !isBlockComment && !this._noLineTerminator ? `//${comment.value}\n` : `/*${comment.value}*/`; if (isBlockComment && this.format.indent.adjustMultilineComment) { const offset = comment.loc && comment.loc.start.column; if (offset) { const newlineRegex = new RegExp("\\n\\s{1," + offset + "}", "g"); val = val.replace(newlineRegex, "\n"); } const indentSize = Math.max(this._getIndent().length, this._buf.getCurrentColumn()); val = val.replace(/\n(?!$)/g, `\n${(0, _repeat().default)(" ", indentSize)}`); } if (this.endsWith("/")) this._space(); this.withSource("start", comment.loc, () => { this._append(val); }); this.newline(isBlockComment && !this._noLineTerminator ? 1 : 0); } _printComments(comments) { if (!comments || !comments.length) return; for (const comment of comments) { this._printComment(comment); } } } exports.default = Printer; Object.assign(Printer.prototype, generatorFunctions); function commaSeparator() { this.token(","); this.space(); }