"use strict"; Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", { value: true }); const chai_1 = require("chai"); const child_process_1 = require("child_process"); const path_1 = require("path"); const semver = require("semver"); const ts = require("typescript"); const proxyquire = require("proxyquire"); const index_1 = require("./index"); const TEST_DIR = path_1.join(__dirname, '../tests'); const EXEC_PATH = path_1.join(__dirname, '../dist/bin'); const PROJECT = path_1.join(TEST_DIR, semver.gte(ts.version, '2.5.0') ? 'tsconfig.json5' : 'tsconfig.json'); const BIN_EXEC = `node "${EXEC_PATH}" --project "${PROJECT}"`; const SOURCE_MAP_REGEXP = /\/\/# sourceMappingURL=data:application\/json;charset=utf\-8;base64,[\w\+]+=*$/; describe('ts-node', function () { this.timeout(10000); it('should export the correct version', function () { chai_1.expect(index_1.VERSION).to.equal(require('../package.json').version); }); describe('cli', function () { this.slow(1000); it('should execute cli', function (done) { child_process_1.exec(`${BIN_EXEC} tests/hello-world`, function (err, stdout) { chai_1.expect(err).to.equal(null); chai_1.expect(stdout).to.equal('Hello, world!\n'); return done(); }); }); it('should register via cli', function (done) { child_process_1.exec(`node -r ../register hello-world.ts`, { cwd: TEST_DIR }, function (err, stdout) { chai_1.expect(err).to.equal(null); chai_1.expect(stdout).to.equal('Hello, world!\n'); return done(); }); }); it('should execute cli with absolute path', function (done) { child_process_1.exec(`${BIN_EXEC} "${path_1.join(TEST_DIR, 'hello-world')}"`, function (err, stdout) { chai_1.expect(err).to.equal(null); chai_1.expect(stdout).to.equal('Hello, world!\n'); return done(); }); }); it('should print scripts', function (done) { child_process_1.exec(`${BIN_EXEC} -pe "import { example } from './tests/complex/index';example()"`, function (err, stdout) { chai_1.expect(err).to.equal(null); chai_1.expect(stdout).to.equal('example\n'); return done(); }); }); if (semver.gte(ts.version, '1.8.0')) { it('should allow js', function (done) { child_process_1.exec([ BIN_EXEC, '-O "{\\\"allowJs\\\":true}"', '-pe "import { main } from \'./tests/allow-js/run\';main()"' ].join(' '), function (err, stdout) { chai_1.expect(err).to.equal(null); chai_1.expect(stdout).to.equal('hello world\n'); return done(); }); }); it('should include jsx when `allow-js` true', function (done) { child_process_1.exec([ BIN_EXEC, '-O "{\\\"allowJs\\\":true}"', '-pe "import { Foo2 } from \'./tests/allow-js/with-jsx\'; Foo2.sayHi()"' ].join(' '), function (err, stdout) { chai_1.expect(err).to.equal(null); chai_1.expect(stdout).to.equal('hello world\n'); return done(); }); }); } it('should eval code', function (done) { child_process_1.exec(`${BIN_EXEC} -e "import * as m from './tests/module';console.log(m.example('test'))"`, function (err, stdout) { chai_1.expect(err).to.equal(null); chai_1.expect(stdout).to.equal('TEST\n'); return done(); }); }); it('should import empty files', function (done) { child_process_1.exec(`${BIN_EXEC} -e "import './tests/empty'"`, function (err, stdout) { chai_1.expect(err).to.equal(null); chai_1.expect(stdout).to.equal(''); return done(); }); }); it('should throw errors', function (done) { child_process_1.exec(`${BIN_EXEC} -e "import * as m from './tests/module';console.log(m.example(123))"`, function (err) { if (err === null) { return done('Command was expected to fail, but it succeeded.'); } chai_1.expect(err.message).to.match(new RegExp('TS2345: Argument of type \'(?:number|123)\' ' + 'is not assignable to parameter of type \'string\'\\.')); return done(); }); }); it('should be able to ignore diagnostic', function (done) { child_process_1.exec(`${BIN_EXEC} --ignore-diagnostics 2345 -e "import * as m from './tests/module';console.log(m.example(123))"`, function (err) { if (err === null) { return done('Command was expected to fail, but it succeeded.'); } chai_1.expect(err.message).to.match(/TypeError: (?:(?:undefined|foo\.toUpperCase) is not a function|.*has no method \'toUpperCase\')/); return done(); }); }); it('should work with source maps', function (done) { child_process_1.exec(`${BIN_EXEC} tests/throw`, function (err) { if (err === null) { return done('Command was expected to fail, but it succeeded.'); } chai_1.expect(err.message).to.contain([ `${path_1.join(__dirname, '../tests/throw.ts')}:3`, ' bar () { throw new Error(\'this is a demo\') }', ' ^', 'Error: this is a demo' ].join('\n')); return done(); }); }); it.skip('eval should work with source maps', function (done) { child_process_1.exec(`${BIN_EXEC} -pe "import './tests/throw'"`, function (err) { if (err === null) { return done('Command was expected to fail, but it succeeded.'); } chai_1.expect(err.message).to.contain([ `${path_1.join(__dirname, '../tests/throw.ts')}:3`, ' bar () { throw new Error(\'this is a demo\') }', ' ^' ].join('\n')); return done(); }); }); it('should support transpile only mode', function (done) { child_process_1.exec(`${BIN_EXEC} --transpile-only -pe "x"`, function (err) { if (err === null) { return done('Command was expected to fail, but it succeeded.'); } chai_1.expect(err.message).to.contain('ReferenceError: x is not defined'); return done(); }); }); it('should pipe into `ts-node` and evaluate', function (done) { const cp = child_process_1.exec(BIN_EXEC, function (err, stdout) { chai_1.expect(err).to.equal(null); chai_1.expect(stdout).to.equal('hello\n'); return done(); }); cp.stdin.end("console.log('hello')"); }); it('should pipe into `ts-node`', function (done) { const cp = child_process_1.exec(`${BIN_EXEC} -p`, function (err, stdout) { chai_1.expect(err).to.equal(null); chai_1.expect(stdout).to.equal('true\n'); return done(); }); cp.stdin.end('true'); }); it('should pipe into an eval script', function (done) { const cp = child_process_1.exec(`${BIN_EXEC} --transpile-only -pe 'process.stdin.isTTY'`, function (err, stdout) { chai_1.expect(err).to.equal(null); chai_1.expect(stdout).to.equal('undefined\n'); return done(); }); cp.stdin.end('true'); }); it('should support require flags', function (done) { child_process_1.exec(`${BIN_EXEC} -r ./tests/hello-world -pe "console.log('success')"`, function (err, stdout) { chai_1.expect(err).to.equal(null); chai_1.expect(stdout).to.equal('Hello, world!\nsuccess\nundefined\n'); return done(); }); }); it('should support require from node modules', function (done) { child_process_1.exec(`${BIN_EXEC} -r typescript -e "console.log('success')"`, function (err, stdout) { chai_1.expect(err).to.equal(null); chai_1.expect(stdout).to.equal('success\n'); return done(); }); }); it.skip('should use source maps with react tsx', function (done) { child_process_1.exec(`${BIN_EXEC} -r ./tests/emit-compiled.ts tests/jsx-react.tsx`, function (err, stdout) { chai_1.expect(err).to.equal(null); chai_1.expect(stdout).to.equal('todo'); return done(); }); }); it('should allow custom typings', function (done) { child_process_1.exec(`${BIN_EXEC} tests/custom-types`, function (err, stdout) { chai_1.expect(err).to.match(/Error: Cannot find module 'does-not-exist'/); return done(); }); }); it('should preserve `ts-node` context with child process', function (done) { child_process_1.exec(`${BIN_EXEC} tests/child-process`, function (err, stdout) { chai_1.expect(err).to.equal(null); chai_1.expect(stdout).to.equal('Hello, world!\n'); return done(); }); }); it('should import js before ts by default', function (done) { child_process_1.exec(`${BIN_EXEC} tests/import-order/compiled`, function (err, stdout) { chai_1.expect(err).to.equal(null); chai_1.expect(stdout).to.equal('Hello, JavaScript!\n'); return done(); }); }); it('should import ts before js when --prefer-ts-exts flag is present', function (done) { child_process_1.exec(`${BIN_EXEC} --prefer-ts-exts tests/import-order/compiled`, function (err, stdout) { chai_1.expect(err).to.equal(null); chai_1.expect(stdout).to.equal('Hello, TypeScript!\n'); return done(); }); }); it('should import ts before js when TS_NODE_PREFER_TS_EXTS env is present', function (done) { child_process_1.exec(`${BIN_EXEC} tests/import-order/compiled`, { env: Object.assign(Object.assign({}, process.env), { TS_NODE_PREFER_TS_EXTS: 'true' }) }, function (err, stdout) { chai_1.expect(err).to.equal(null); chai_1.expect(stdout).to.equal('Hello, TypeScript!\n'); return done(); }); }); it('should ignore .d.ts files', function (done) { child_process_1.exec(`${BIN_EXEC} tests/import-order/importer`, function (err, stdout) { chai_1.expect(err).to.equal(null); chai_1.expect(stdout).to.equal('Hello, World!\n'); return done(); }); }); }); describe('register', function () { index_1.register({ project: PROJECT, compilerOptions: { jsx: 'preserve' } }); it('should be able to require typescript', function () { const m = require('../tests/module'); chai_1.expect(m.example('foo')).to.equal('FOO'); }); it('should compile through js and ts', function () { const m = require('../tests/complex'); chai_1.expect(m.example()).to.equal('example'); }); it('should work with proxyquire', function () { const m = proxyquire('../tests/complex', { './example': 'hello' }); chai_1.expect(m.example()).to.equal('hello'); }); it('should work with `require.cache`', function () { const { example1, example2 } = require('../tests/require-cache'); chai_1.expect(example1).to.not.equal(example2); }); it('should use source maps', function (done) { try { require('../tests/throw'); } catch (error) { chai_1.expect(error.stack).to.contain([ 'Error: this is a demo', ` at Foo.bar (${path_1.join(__dirname, '../tests/throw.ts')}:3:18)` ].join('\n')); done(); } }); describe('JSX preserve', () => { let old = require.extensions['.tsx']; // tslint:disable-line let compiled; before(function () { require.extensions['.tsx'] = (m, fileName) => { const _compile = m._compile; m._compile = (code, fileName) => { compiled = code; return _compile.call(this, code, fileName); }; return old(m, fileName); }; }); after(function () { require.extensions['.tsx'] = old; // tslint:disable-line }); it('should use source maps', function (done) { try { require('../tests/with-jsx.tsx'); } catch (error) { chai_1.expect(error.stack).to.contain('SyntaxError: Unexpected token <\n'); } chai_1.expect(compiled).to.match(SOURCE_MAP_REGEXP); done(); }); }); }); }); //# sourceMappingURL=index.spec.js.map