Domen Kožar 08403cd828
2019-11-13 17:14:48 +01:00

449 lines
17 KiB
Raw Blame History

This file contains ambiguous Unicode characters

This file contains Unicode characters that might be confused with other characters. If you think that this is intentional, you can safely ignore this warning. Use the Escape button to reveal them.

"use strict";
Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", { value: true });
const path_1 = require("path");
const sourceMapSupport = require("source-map-support");
const yn_1 = require("yn");
const make_error_1 = require("make-error");
const util = require("util");
* @internal
exports.INSPECT_CUSTOM = util.inspect.custom || 'inspect';
* Debugging `ts-node`.
const shouldDebug = yn_1.default(process.env.TS_NODE_DEBUG);
const debug = shouldDebug ? console.log.bind(console, 'ts-node') : () => undefined;
const debugFn = shouldDebug ?
(key, fn) => {
let i = 0;
return (x) => {
debug(key, x, ++i);
return fn(x);
} :
(_, fn) => fn;
* Export the current version.
exports.VERSION = require('../package.json').version;
* Track the project information.
class MemoryCache {
constructor(rootFileNames = []) {
this.rootFileNames = rootFileNames;
this.fileContents = new Map();
this.fileVersions = new Map();
for (const fileName of rootFileNames)
this.fileVersions.set(fileName, 1);
* Default register options.
exports.DEFAULTS = {
files: yn_1.default(process.env['TS_NODE_FILES']),
pretty: yn_1.default(process.env['TS_NODE_PRETTY']),
compiler: process.env['TS_NODE_COMPILER'],
compilerOptions: parse(process.env['TS_NODE_COMPILER_OPTIONS']),
ignore: split(process.env['TS_NODE_IGNORE']),
project: process.env['TS_NODE_PROJECT'],
skipIgnore: yn_1.default(process.env['TS_NODE_SKIP_IGNORE']),
skipProject: yn_1.default(process.env['TS_NODE_SKIP_PROJECT']),
preferTsExts: yn_1.default(process.env['TS_NODE_PREFER_TS_EXTS']),
ignoreDiagnostics: split(process.env['TS_NODE_IGNORE_DIAGNOSTICS']),
typeCheck: yn_1.default(process.env['TS_NODE_TYPE_CHECK']),
transpileOnly: yn_1.default(process.env['TS_NODE_TRANSPILE_ONLY']),
logError: yn_1.default(process.env['TS_NODE_LOG_ERROR'])
* Default TypeScript compiler options required by `ts-node`.
sourceMap: true,
inlineSourceMap: false,
inlineSources: true,
declaration: false,
noEmit: false,
outDir: '$$ts-node$$'
* Split a string array of values.
function split(value) {
return typeof value === 'string' ? value.split(/ *, */g) : undefined;
exports.split = split;
* Parse a string as JSON.
function parse(value) {
return typeof value === 'string' ? JSON.parse(value) : undefined;
exports.parse = parse;
* Replace backslashes with forward slashes.
function normalizeSlashes(value) {
return value.replace(/\\/g, '/');
exports.normalizeSlashes = normalizeSlashes;
* TypeScript diagnostics error.
class TSError extends make_error_1.BaseError {
constructor(diagnosticText, diagnosticCodes) {
super(` Unable to compile TypeScript:\n${diagnosticText}`);
this.diagnosticText = diagnosticText;
this.diagnosticCodes = diagnosticCodes; = 'TSError';
* @internal
[exports.INSPECT_CUSTOM]() {
return this.diagnosticText;
exports.TSError = TSError;
* Cached fs operation wrapper.
function cachedLookup(fn) {
const cache = new Map();
return (arg) => {
if (!cache.has(arg)) {
cache.set(arg, fn(arg));
return cache.get(arg);
* Register TypeScript compiler.
function register(opts = {}) {
const options = Object.assign({}, exports.DEFAULTS, opts);
const originalJsHandler = require.extensions['.js']; // tslint:disable-line
const ignoreDiagnostics = [
...(options.ignoreDiagnostics || [])
const ignore = options.skipIgnore ? [] : (options.ignore || ['/node_modules/']).map(str => new RegExp(str));
// Require the TypeScript compiler and configuration.
const cwd = process.cwd();
const typeCheck = options.typeCheck === true || options.transpileOnly !== true;
const compiler = require.resolve(options.compiler || 'typescript', { paths: [cwd, __dirname] });
const ts = require(compiler);
const transformers = options.transformers || undefined;
const readFile = options.readFile || ts.sys.readFile;
const fileExists = options.fileExists || ts.sys.fileExists;
const config = readConfig(cwd, ts, fileExists, readFile, options);
const configDiagnosticList = filterDiagnostics(config.errors, ignoreDiagnostics);
const extensions = ['.ts'];
const outputCache = new Map();
const diagnosticHost = {
getNewLine: () => ts.sys.newLine,
getCurrentDirectory: () => cwd,
getCanonicalFileName: (path) => path
// Install source map support and read from memory cache.
environment: 'node',
retrieveFile(path) {
return outputCache.get(path) || '';
const formatDiagnostics = process.stdout.isTTY || options.pretty
? ts.formatDiagnosticsWithColorAndContext
: ts.formatDiagnostics;
function createTSError(diagnostics) {
const diagnosticText = formatDiagnostics(diagnostics, diagnosticHost);
const diagnosticCodes = => x.code);
return new TSError(diagnosticText, diagnosticCodes);
function reportTSError(configDiagnosticList) {
const error = createTSError(configDiagnosticList);
if (options.logError) {
// Print error in red color and continue execution.
console.error('\x1b[31m%s\x1b[0m', error);
else {
// Throw error and exit the script.
throw error;
// Render the configuration errors.
if (configDiagnosticList.length)
// Enable additional extensions when JSX or `allowJs` is enabled.
if (config.options.jsx)
if (config.options.allowJs)
if (config.options.jsx && config.options.allowJs)
* Get the extension for a transpiled file.
const getExtension = config.options.jsx === ts.JsxEmit.Preserve ?
((path) => /\.[tj]sx$/.test(path) ? '.jsx' : '.js') :
((_) => '.js');
* Create the basic required function using transpile mode.
let getOutput;
let getTypeInfo;
// Use full language services when the fast option is disabled.
if (typeCheck) {
const memoryCache = new MemoryCache(config.fileNames);
const cachedReadFile = cachedLookup(debugFn('readFile', readFile));
const getCustomTransformers = () => {
if (typeof transformers === 'function') {
const program = service.getProgram();
return program ? transformers(program) : undefined;
return transformers;
// Create the compiler host for type checking.
const serviceHost = {
getScriptFileNames: () => memoryCache.rootFileNames,
getScriptVersion: (fileName) => {
const version = memoryCache.fileVersions.get(fileName);
return version === undefined ? '' : version.toString();
getScriptSnapshot(fileName) {
let contents = memoryCache.fileContents.get(fileName);
// Read contents into TypeScript memory cache.
if (contents === undefined) {
contents = cachedReadFile(fileName);
if (contents === undefined)
memoryCache.fileVersions.set(fileName, 1);
memoryCache.fileContents.set(fileName, contents);
return ts.ScriptSnapshot.fromString(contents);
readFile: cachedReadFile,
readDirectory: cachedLookup(debugFn('readDirectory', ts.sys.readDirectory)),
getDirectories: cachedLookup(debugFn('getDirectories', ts.sys.getDirectories)),
fileExists: cachedLookup(debugFn('fileExists', fileExists)),
directoryExists: cachedLookup(debugFn('directoryExists', ts.sys.directoryExists)),
getNewLine: () => ts.sys.newLine,
useCaseSensitiveFileNames: () => ts.sys.useCaseSensitiveFileNames,
getCurrentDirectory: () => cwd,
getCompilationSettings: () => config.options,
getDefaultLibFileName: () => ts.getDefaultLibFilePath(config.options),
getCustomTransformers: getCustomTransformers,
writeFile: ts.sys.writeFile
const registry = ts.createDocumentRegistry(ts.sys.useCaseSensitiveFileNames, cwd);
const service = ts.createLanguageService(serviceHost, registry);
// Set the file contents into cache manually.
const updateMemoryCache = (contents, fileName) => {
const fileVersion = memoryCache.fileVersions.get(fileName) || 0;
// Add to `rootFiles` when discovered for the first time.
if (fileVersion === 0)
// Avoid incrementing cache when nothing has changed.
if (memoryCache.fileContents.get(fileName) === contents)
memoryCache.fileVersions.set(fileName, fileVersion + 1);
memoryCache.fileContents.set(fileName, contents);
getOutput = (code, fileName) => {
updateMemoryCache(code, fileName);
const output = service.getEmitOutput(fileName);
// Get the relevant diagnostics - this is 3x faster than `getPreEmitDiagnostics`.
const diagnostics = service.getSemanticDiagnostics(fileName)
const diagnosticList = filterDiagnostics(diagnostics, ignoreDiagnostics);
if (diagnosticList.length)
if (output.emitSkipped) {
throw new TypeError(`${path_1.relative(cwd, fileName)}: Emit skipped`);
// Throw an error when requiring `.d.ts` files.
if (output.outputFiles.length === 0) {
throw new TypeError('Unable to require `.d.ts` file.\n' +
'This is usually the result of a faulty configuration or import. ' +
'Make sure there is a `.js`, `.json` or another executable extension and ' +
'loader (attached before `ts-node`) available alongside ' +
return [output.outputFiles[1].text, output.outputFiles[0].text];
getTypeInfo = (code, fileName, position) => {
updateMemoryCache(code, fileName);
const info = service.getQuickInfoAtPosition(fileName, position);
const name = ts.displayPartsToString(info ? info.displayParts : []);
const comment = ts.displayPartsToString(info ? info.documentation : []);
return { name, comment };
else {
if (typeof transformers === 'function') {
throw new TypeError('Transformers function is unavailable in "--transpile-only"');
getOutput = (code, fileName) => {
const result = ts.transpileModule(code, {
compilerOptions: config.options,
reportDiagnostics: true
const diagnosticList = result.diagnostics ?
filterDiagnostics(result.diagnostics, ignoreDiagnostics) :
if (diagnosticList.length)
return [result.outputText, result.sourceMapText];
getTypeInfo = () => {
throw new TypeError('Type information is unavailable in "--transpile-only"');
// Create a simple TypeScript compiler proxy.
function compile(code, fileName, lineOffset = 0) {
const [value, sourceMap] = getOutput(code, fileName, lineOffset);
const output = updateOutput(value, fileName, sourceMap, getExtension);
outputCache.set(fileName, output);
return output;
const register = { cwd, compile, getTypeInfo, extensions, ts };
// Register the extensions.
registerExtensions(options.preferTsExts, extensions, ignore, register, originalJsHandler);
return register;
exports.register = register;
* Check if the filename should be ignored.
function shouldIgnore(filename, ignore) {
const relname = normalizeSlashes(filename);
return ignore.some(x => x.test(relname));
* "Refreshes" an extension on `require.extentions`.
* @param {string} ext
function reorderRequireExtension(ext) {
const old = require.extensions[ext]; // tslint:disable-line
delete require.extensions[ext]; // tslint:disable-line
require.extensions[ext] = old; // tslint:disable-line
* Register the extensions to support when importing files.
function registerExtensions(preferTsExts, extensions, ignore, register, originalJsHandler) {
// Register new extensions.
for (const ext of extensions) {
registerExtension(ext, ignore, register, originalJsHandler);
if (preferTsExts) {
// tslint:disable-next-line
const preferredExtensions = new Set([...extensions, ...Object.keys(require.extensions)]);
for (const ext of preferredExtensions)
* Register the extension for node.
function registerExtension(ext, ignore, register, originalHandler) {
const old = require.extensions[ext] || originalHandler; // tslint:disable-line
require.extensions[ext] = function (m, filename) {
if (shouldIgnore(filename, ignore)) {
return old(m, filename);
const _compile = m._compile;
m._compile = function (code, fileName) {
debug('module._compile', fileName);
return, register.compile(code, fileName), fileName);
return old(m, filename);
* Do post-processing on config options to support `ts-node`.
function fixConfig(ts, config) {
// Delete options that *should not* be passed through.
delete config.options.out;
delete config.options.outFile;
delete config.options.composite;
delete config.options.declarationDir;
delete config.options.declarationMap;
delete config.options.emitDeclarationOnly;
delete config.options.tsBuildInfoFile;
delete config.options.incremental;
// Target ES5 output by default (instead of ES3).
if ( === undefined) { = ts.ScriptTarget.ES5;
// Target CommonJS modules by default (instead of magically switching to ES6 when the target is ES6).
if (config.options.module === undefined) {
config.options.module = ts.ModuleKind.CommonJS;
return config;
* Load TypeScript configuration.
function readConfig(cwd, ts, fileExists, readFile, options) {
let config = { compilerOptions: {} };
let basePath = normalizeSlashes(cwd);
let configFileName = undefined;
// Read project configuration when available.
if (!options.skipProject) {
configFileName = options.project
? normalizeSlashes(path_1.resolve(cwd, options.project))
: ts.findConfigFile(normalizeSlashes(cwd), fileExists);
if (configFileName) {
const result = ts.readConfigFile(configFileName, readFile);
// Return diagnostics.
if (result.error) {
return { errors: [result.error], fileNames: [], options: {} };
config = result.config;
basePath = normalizeSlashes(path_1.dirname(configFileName));
// Remove resolution of "files".
if (!options.files) {
config.files = [];
config.include = [];
// Override default configuration options `ts-node` requires.
config.compilerOptions = Object.assign({}, config.compilerOptions, options.compilerOptions, TS_NODE_COMPILER_OPTIONS);
return fixConfig(ts, ts.parseJsonConfigFileContent(config, ts.sys, basePath, undefined, configFileName));
* Update the output remapping the source map.
function updateOutput(outputText, fileName, sourceMap, getExtension) {
const base64Map = Buffer.from(updateSourceMap(sourceMap, fileName), 'utf8').toString('base64');
const sourceMapContent = `data:application/json;charset=utf-8;base64,${base64Map}`;
const sourceMapLength = `${path_1.basename(fileName)}.map`.length + (getExtension(fileName).length - path_1.extname(fileName).length);
return outputText.slice(0, -sourceMapLength) + sourceMapContent;
* Update the source map contents for improved output.
function updateSourceMap(sourceMapText, fileName) {
const sourceMap = JSON.parse(sourceMapText);
sourceMap.file = fileName;
sourceMap.sources = [fileName];
delete sourceMap.sourceRoot;
return JSON.stringify(sourceMap);
* Filter diagnostics.
function filterDiagnostics(diagnostics, ignore) {
return diagnostics.filter(x => ignore.indexOf(x.code) === -1);