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const core = require('@actions/core');
const child_process = require('child_process');
const fs = require('fs');
const crypto = require('crypto');
const { homePath, sshAgentCmdDefault, sshAddCmdDefault, gitCmdDefault } = require('./paths.js');
try {
2020-02-06 18:09:44 +00:00
const privateKey = core.getInput('ssh-private-key');
const logPublicKey = core.getBooleanInput('log-public-key', {default: true});
const sshAgentCmdInput = core.getInput('ssh-agent-cmd');
const sshAddCmdInput = core.getInput('ssh-add-cmd');
const gitCmdInput = core.getInput('git-cmd');
const sshAgentCmd = sshAgentCmdInput ? sshAgentCmdInput : sshAgentCmdDefault;
const sshAddCmd = sshAddCmdInput ? sshAddCmdInput : sshAddCmdDefault;
const gitCmd = gitCmdInput ? gitCmdInput : gitCmdDefault;
if (!privateKey) {
core.setFailed("The ssh-private-key argument is empty. Maybe the secret has not been configured, or you are using a wrong secret name in your workflow file.");
const homeSsh = homePath + '/.ssh';
fs.mkdirSync(homeSsh, { recursive: true });
console.log("Starting ssh-agent");
const authSock = core.getInput('ssh-auth-sock');
const sshAgentArgs = (authSock && authSock.length > 0) ? ['-a', authSock] : [];
// Extract auth socket path and agent pid and set them as job variables
child_process.execFileSync(sshAgentCmd, sshAgentArgs).toString().split("\n").forEach(function(line) {
const matches = /^(SSH_AUTH_SOCK|SSH_AGENT_PID)=(.*); export \1/.exec(line);
if (matches && matches.length > 0) {
// This will also set process.env accordingly, so changes take effect for this script
core.exportVariable(matches[1], matches[2])
console.log("Adding private key(s) to agent");
privateKey.split(/(?=-----BEGIN)/).forEach(function(key) {
child_process.execFileSync(sshAddCmd, ['-'], { input: key.trim() + "\n" });
console.log("Key(s) added:");
child_process.execFileSync(sshAddCmd, ['-l'], { stdio: 'inherit' });
console.log('Configuring deployment key(s)');
child_process.execFileSync(sshAddCmd, ['-L']).toString().trim().split(/\r?\n/).forEach(function(key) {
const parts = key.match(/\bgithub\.com[:/]([_.a-z0-9-]+\/[_.a-z0-9-]+)/i);
if (!parts) {
if (logPublicKey) {
console.log(`Comment for (public) key '${key}' does not match GitHub URL pattern. Not treating it as a GitHub deploy key.`);
const sha256 = crypto.createHash('sha256').update(key).digest('hex');
const ownerAndRepo = parts[1].replace(/\.git$/, '');
fs.writeFileSync(`${homeSsh}/key-${sha256}`, key + "\n", { mode: '600' });
child_process.execSync(`${gitCmd} config --global --replace-all url."git@key-${sha256}${ownerAndRepo}".insteadOf "${ownerAndRepo}"`);
child_process.execSync(`${gitCmd} config --global --add url."git@key-${sha256}${ownerAndRepo}".insteadOf "${ownerAndRepo}"`);
child_process.execSync(`${gitCmd} config --global --add url."git@key-${sha256}${ownerAndRepo}".insteadOf "ssh://${ownerAndRepo}"`);
const sshConfig = `\nHost key-${sha256}\n`
+ ` HostName\n`
+ ` IdentityFile ${homeSsh}/key-${sha256}\n`
+ ` IdentitiesOnly yes\n`;
fs.appendFileSync(`${homeSsh}/config`, sshConfig);
console.log(`Added deploy-key mapping: Use identity '${homeSsh}/key-${sha256}' for GitHub repository ${ownerAndRepo}`);
} catch (error) {
if (error.code == 'ENOENT') {
console.log(`The '${error.path}' executable could not be found. Please make sure it is on your PATH and/or the necessary packages are installed.`);
console.log(`PATH is set to: ${process.env.PATH}`);