[create-user]: https://rocket.chat/docs/bots/creating-bot-users/ [configure-bot]: https://rocket.chat/docs/bots/configure-bot-environment/ ![bRocket | A bBot boilerplate for Rocket.Chat bots](https://github.com/Amazebot/bbot-rocketchat-boilerplate/raw/master/img/banner.png) ## Setup ## 1. 🍴 Fork or clone this repo - `git clone amazebot/bbot-rocketchat-boilerplate MY_BOT` - to clone without git history, add `--depth 1` flag - or once cloned, start a fresh history `rm -rf .git && git init` ## 2. 💻 Setup your project - `npm install` get dependencies - `npm run setup` add your details ## 3. ✨ Test in shell - `npm start -- -m shell` ## 4. 👨‍💻 Start coding - customise **index.js** - look at **examples.js** ## 5. 💬 Run in Rocket.Chat - create user with bot role - set login credentials in .env - `npm start` (`rocketchat` is default adapter) ___ You'll need a Rocket.Chat instance to test. See Rocket.Chat's docs on [Creating Bot Users][create-user] before you begin. Easy deployment options coming soon. See [bbot.chat](http://bbot.chat) for get started guides. ## Configure All **bBot** settings require the `BOT_` prefix on environment variables. See Rocket.Chat's docs on [Configuring Bot Environments][configure-bot] for settings specific to the SDK. Configs can be given from command line. Try `node index.js -h` for options. They can also be set in **package.json** under the `"bot"` attribute. You should review all the package details and customise it to your own project details. ## Development You can run and interact with the bot directly in shell, for quick development. Run `node index.js -m shell` to override Rocket.Chat as the message adapter.