This commit is contained in:
Mickael 2019-07-04 21:15:35 +02:00
parent 2c188c4ccf
commit f7baf818e1
3 changed files with 133 additions and 126 deletions

View file

@ -36,4 +36,19 @@ class Tsunami:
PROJECT = 1 << 1
DEMOCRACY = 1 << 2
ECOLOGY = 1 << 3
def getAllChannels(rocket):
index = 0
allChannels = []
while True:
channels = rocket.channels_list(offset= index).json()
allChannels.extend([ channel for channel in channels['channels'] if 'archived' not in channel])
if channels['count'] + channels['offset'] >= channels['total']:
index += channels['count']
return allChannels
if __name__ == "__main__":
print("Ce fichier est juste une librarie")

View file

@ -9,40 +9,35 @@ import json
import dev_config as cfg
import os
import re
from common.channelhelper import getNodesOrigin
from common.channelhelper import getNodesOrigin, getAllChannels, Tsunami
colorInfo = {
'global': 'orange',
'technologie': 'gray',
'democratie': 'red',
'ecologie': 'green',
'project': 'blue'
def main():
colorInfo = {
'global': 'orange',
'technologie': 'gray',
'democratie': 'red',
'ecologie': 'green',
'project': 'blue'
rocket = RocketChat(cfg.rocket['user'], cfg.rocket['password'], server_url='')
rocket = RocketChat(cfg.rocket['user'], cfg.rocket['password'], server_url=cfg.rocket['server'])
sizebase = 100
datas = []
datas.append( { 'data':{'id':'global', 'label': 'global', 'size': sizebase, 'color': colorInfo['global'], 'href': ''}})
datas.append( { 'data':{'id':'ecologie', 'label': 'ecologie', 'size': sizebase, 'color': colorInfo['ecologie'], 'href': ''}})
datas.append( { 'data':{'id':'democratie', 'label': 'democratie', 'size': sizebase, 'color': colorInfo['democratie'], 'href': ''}})
datas.append( { 'data':{'id':'technologie', 'label': 'technologie', 'size': sizebase, 'color': colorInfo['technologie'], 'href': ''}})
datas.append( { 'data':{'id':'project', 'label': 'projet', 'size': sizebase, 'color': colorInfo['project'], 'href': ''}})
sizebase = 100
datas = []
datas.append( { 'data':{'id':'global', 'label': 'global', 'size': sizebase, 'color': colorInfo['global'], 'href': ''}})
datas.append( { 'data':{'id':'ecologie', 'label': 'ecologie', 'size': sizebase, 'color': colorInfo['ecologie'], 'href': ''}})
datas.append( { 'data':{'id':'democratie', 'label': 'democratie', 'size': sizebase, 'color': colorInfo['democratie'], 'href': ''}})
datas.append( { 'data':{'id':'technologie', 'label': 'technologie', 'size': sizebase, 'color': colorInfo['technologie'], 'href': ''}})
datas.append( { 'data':{'id':'project', 'label': 'projet', 'size': sizebase, 'color': colorInfo['project'], 'href': ''}})
cohortes = { 'fr': { 'updateMap': 'france_fr'}}
cohortescolor = { 'fr': 'green' }
index = 0
nbChannels = 0
nbCohorte = 0
totalChannels = 0
while True:
channels = rocket.channels_list(offset= index).json()
totalChannels = channels['total']
for channel in channels['channels']:
cohortes = { 'fr': { 'updateMap': 'france_fr'}}
cohortescolor = { 'fr': 'green' }
nbChannels = 0
nbCohorte = 0
totalChannels = 0
for channel in getAllChannels(rocket):
if ('archived' in channel) and channel['archived']:
if channel['name'].find('cohorte') != -1:
if 'description' in channel:
@ -64,7 +59,7 @@ while True:
'label': channel['fname'] if 'fname' in channel else channel['name'],
'size': size,
'color': 'grey',
'href': ''+channel['name']
'href': f"{cfg.rocket['server']}/channel/{channel['name']}"
@ -76,31 +71,29 @@ while True:
nbChannels += 1
if channels['count'] + channels['offset'] >= channels['total']:
index += channels['count']
# Récupération du répertoire racine du repo
rootFolder = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), '..')
# Répertoire pour stocker le fichier de sortie
dataFolder = os.path.join(rootFolder, 'public','data')
# Faut il essayer de le créer au cas ou?
# os.makedirs(dataFolderPath, exist_ok=True)
channelsFilePath = os.path.abspath(os.path.join(dataFolder,'channelslist.json'))
# Récupération du répertoire racine du repo
rootFolder = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), '..')
# Répertoire pour stocker le fichier de sortie
dataFolder = os.path.join(rootFolder, 'public','data')
# Faut il essayer de le créer au cas ou?
# os.makedirs(dataFolderPath, exist_ok=True)
channelsFilePath = os.path.abspath(os.path.join(dataFolder,'channelslist.json'))
#print("Ecriture dans : "+channelsFilePath)
#print("Ecriture dans : "+channelsFilePath)
with open(channelsFilePath, "w") as file_write:
json.dump(datas, file_write)
with open(channelsFilePath, "w") as file_write:
json.dump(datas, file_write)
cohortecolorFilePath = os.path.abspath(os.path.join(dataFolder,'cohortescolor.json'))
with open(cohortecolorFilePath, "w") as file_write:
json.dump(cohortescolor, file_write)
cohortecolorFilePath = os.path.abspath(os.path.join(dataFolder,'cohortescolor.json'))
with open(cohortecolorFilePath, "w") as file_write:
json.dump(cohortescolor, file_write)
cohorteFilePath = os.path.abspath(os.path.join(dataFolder,'cohorteslist.json'))
with open(cohorteFilePath, "w") as file_write:
json.dump(cohortes, file_write)
cohorteFilePath = os.path.abspath(os.path.join(dataFolder,'cohorteslist.json'))
with open(cohorteFilePath, "w") as file_write:
json.dump(cohortes, file_write)
pprint("Nb displayed channels : " + str(nbChannels))
pprint("Nb cohorte channels : " + str(nbCohorte))
pprint("Nb displayed channels : " + str(nbChannels))
pprint("Nb cohorte channels : " + str(nbCohorte))
pprint("Nb total channels : " + str(totalChannels))
if __name__ == "__main__":

View file

@ -3,7 +3,7 @@
# toutes les chaines sont en unicode (même les docstrings)
from __future__ import unicode_literals
from pprint import pprint
# from pprint import pprint
from rocketchat_API.rocketchat import RocketChat
import json
import dev_config as cfg
@ -11,8 +11,7 @@ import os
import random
from datetime import datetime
from monthdelta import monthdelta
from common.channelhelper import getTsunamy
from common.channelhelper import Tsunami
from common.channelhelper import getTsunamy, Tsunami, getAllChannels
def getColor():
r = random.randrange(255)
@ -38,19 +37,31 @@ def createElement(label, color, data) :
"data": data
def setTsunamyInfo(tsunamy, messagesDataTsunamy, id, length):
if tsunamy & Tsunami.GLOBAL:
messagesDataTsunamy[Tsunami.GLOBAL][id] += length
if tsunamy & Tsunami.PROJECT:
messagesDataTsunamy[Tsunami.PROJECT][id] += length
if tsunamy & Tsunami.DEMOCRACY:
messagesDataTsunamy[Tsunami.DEMOCRACY][id] += length
if tsunamy & Tsunami.ECOLOGY:
messagesDataTsunamy[Tsunami.ECOLOGY][id] += length
if tsunamy & Tsunami.TECHNOLOGY:
messagesDataTsunamy[Tsunami.TECHNOLOGY][id] += length
def main():
rocket = RocketChat(cfg.rocket['user'], cfg.rocket['password'],
index = 0
labels = [None] * 12
messagesByChannel = []
usersByChannel = []
messagesDataTsunamy = {
"global": [0] * 12,
"project": [0] * 12,
"democraty": [0] * 12,
"ecology": [0] * 12,
"technology": [0] * 12,
Tsunami.GLOBAL: [0] * 12,
Tsunami.PROJECT: [0] * 12,
Tsunami.DEMOCRACY: [0] * 12,
Tsunami.ECOLOGY: [0] * 12,
Tsunami.TECHNOLOGY: [0] * 12,
usersGlobal = []
@ -63,82 +74,70 @@ def main():
"messagesByChannel": messagesByChannel,
"usersByChannel": usersByChannel,
"messagesByTsunamy": [
createElement("global", getColor(), messagesDataTsunamy['global']),
createElement("project", getColor(), messagesDataTsunamy['project']),
createElement("democratie", getColor(), messagesDataTsunamy['democraty']),
createElement("ecologie", getColor(), messagesDataTsunamy['ecology']),
createElement("technologie", getColor(), messagesDataTsunamy['technology'])
createElement("global", getColor(), messagesDataTsunamy[Tsunami.GLOBAL]),
createElement("project", getColor(), messagesDataTsunamy[Tsunami.PROJECT]),
createElement("democratie", getColor(), messagesDataTsunamy[Tsunami.DEMOCRACY]),
createElement("ecologie", getColor(), messagesDataTsunamy[Tsunami.ECOLOGY]),
createElement("technologie", getColor(), messagesDataTsunamy[Tsunami.TECHNOLOGY])
"usersGlobal": usersGlobal
usersTest = [None] * 12
uniqueUserGlobal = [None] * 12
while True:
channels = rocket.channels_list(offset=index).json()
for channel in channels['channels']:
dataMess = []
dataUsers = []
pprint( channel['name'] )
begin = date - monthdelta(12)
for channel in getAllChannels(rocket):
dataMess = []
dataUsers = []
print( channel['name'] )
begin = date - monthdelta(12)
end = begin + monthdelta(1)
tsunamy = getTsunamy(channel)
for id in range(0, 12):
if uniqueUserGlobal[id] == None:
uniqueUserGlobal[id] = []
labels[id] = begin.strftime("%b %Y")
begindate = begin.isoformat()
enddate = end.isoformat()
resultMess = rocket.channels_history(channel['_id'], oldest= begindate, latest=enddate, count= 10000).json()
resultMess = list(filter(lambda mess: 't' not in mess, resultMess['messages']))
length = len(resultMess)
if length > 0:
setTsunamyInfo(tsunamy, messagesDataTsunamy, id, length)
users = []
for mess in resultMess:
usersDistinct = set(users)
begin = end
end = begin + monthdelta(1)
color = getColor()
messageByChannel = createElement(channel['name'], color,dataMess)
userByChannel = createElement( channel['name'], color,dataUsers)
tsunamy = getTsunamy(channel)
for id in range(0, 12):
if usersTest[id] == None:
usersTest[id] = []
labels[id] = begin.strftime("%b %Y")
begindate = begin.isoformat()
enddate = end.isoformat()
resultMess = rocket.channels_history(channel['_id'], oldest= begindate, latest=enddate, count= 10000).json()
resultMess = list(filter(lambda mess: 't' not in mess, resultMess['messages']))
lenght = len(resultMess)
if lenght > 0:
if tsunamy & Tsunami.GLOBAL:
messagesDataTsunamy['global'][id] += lenght
if tsunamy & Tsunami.PROJECT:
messagesDataTsunamy['project'][id] += lenght
if tsunamy & Tsunami.DEMOCRACY:
messagesDataTsunamy['democraty'][id] += lenght
if tsunamy & Tsunami.ECOLOGY:
messagesDataTsunamy['ecology'][id] += lenght
if tsunamy & Tsunami.TECHNOLOGY:
messagesDataTsunamy['technology'][id] += lenght
users = []
for mess in resultMess:
usersDistinct = set(users)
begin = end
end = begin + monthdelta(1)
color = getColor()
messageByChannel = createElement(channel['name'], color,dataMess)
userByChannel = createElement( channel['name'], color,dataUsers)
if channels['count'] + channels['offset'] >= channels['total']:
index += channels['count']
for id in range(0, 12):
usersTest[id] = len(set(usersTest[id]))
uniqueUserGlobal[id] = len(set(uniqueUserGlobal[id]))
userGlobal = createElement( 'global', 'red', usersTest)
userGlobal = createElement( 'global', 'red', uniqueUserGlobal)
if __name__ == "__main__":