--- layout: page permalink: /readme/ title: "README - How to set up lanyon-plus jekyll theme" description: "README for setting up lanyon-plus jekyll theme on github pages or custom domain having static website" --- {% raw %} ## lanyon-plus ### Based on Jekyll theme: [Lanyon](http://lanyon.getpoole.com) by [Mark Otto](https://github.com/mdo) * add-ons by [Samir B. Amin](https://sbamin.com) * License: Open sourced under the [MIT license](LICENSE.md). ### Required edits: #### _config.yml * Edit lines where text string `foo` is present with relevant information. * Add relevant author and owner information * For proper sidebar, meta info below post title, and footer bar, add at least twitter, google plus info under `owner` and `sidebar` section. * Uncomment and add relevant user names/keys to enable features, e.g., google analytics, disqus comments, twitter widget, google custom search. #### CNAME * Read [Using a custom domain with GitHub Pages](https://help.github.com/articles/using-a-custom-domain-with-github-pages/) for set-up details. * If you are hosting website on domain other than `github.io`, rename `CNAME.sample` file to `CNAME`, and add your custom domain name, e.g., `example.com` (only one domain is allowed), otherwise remove `CNAME` file if you want to host at default `github.io`. * If you are hosting website on `github.io`, replace `example.com` with `https://.github.io/` (for project site) or `https://.github.io` (for user site) under `site.url` and `site.urlimg` in `_config.yml` and `_prose.yml` file. #### .travis.yml * See more at [https://travis-ci.org/getting_started](https://travis-ci.org/getting_started) #### _prose.yml * [https://github.com/prose/prose/wiki/Getting-Started](https://github.com/prose/prose/wiki/Getting-Started) * Edit `example.com` with your domain name. * You may edit names for custom categories. #### robots.txt * replace `example.com` with your valid url. * Edit search engine inclusion/exclusion if desired. #### page specific edits * `_data/socialmedia.html` * Replace user `foo` with appropriate username * `_includes/` * Check if file paths for appropriate urls have valid css files, scripts, icons, and images in `head.html` and `head_minimal.html`, else comment html tags which are not being used. * Also, check if variables (twitter, google plus, linkedin, google analytics key and disqus username, etc.) are specified in `_config.yml` located under root path. * You may edit `meta_info.html`, `footer.html` and similar include files to add/remove elements in page meta bar, footer, etc. * For publications page, `mypubs.html` and `myaoi.html` are trimmed outputs from [zot_bib_web](https://github.com/davidswelt/zot_bib_web). Github pages can not dynamically build these pages. Alternately, you may export `bib` format for publications under `/files/` directory which can be parsed dynamically using [bibbase.org](http://bibbase.org) * `_includes/footer.html`: Edit copyright information as needed. * `_layouts` * To add/remove/reorder page/post contents, edit `default.html` plus `page.html` or `post.html`. * `_posts` * Live blog posts goes here with markdown formatted post. File name format must have following date-title format `yyyy-mm-dd-title.md` for jekyll to render blog post correctly. * YAML sample header shows all available options. Minimal required elements are: layout, title and date. Date tag overrides date given in post file name. * `blog/index.html` * Edit blog title and description. * `images/` * Under `icons` directory, keep appropriate sized favicons and thumbnails as specified in `_includes/head.html` and `_includes/head_minimal.html` * Also, keep `favicon.png` and `favicon.ico` in root directory. * Final, `images/icons/` should have following images with exact filenames and image size as specified in respective filenames. These images can be generated using online *favicon generator*. Replace `foo` with your site title or other name if desired. ~~~ example.com/images/icons/apple-touch-icon-precomposed.png example.com/images/icons/apple-touch-icon-72x72-precomposed.png example.com/images/icons/apple-touch-icon-114x114-precomposed.png example.com/images/icons/apple-touch-icon-144x144-precomposed.png example.com/images/icons/apple-touch-icon-180x180.png example.com/images/icons/android-icon-192x192.png ~~~ * `pages/about.md` * YAML variable `imagefeature` shoud have image path relative to `images/` directory, i.e., `foo.png` will link to `example.com/images/foo.png` * Specify `site.owner.avatar` and `site.owner.twitter` along with other variables in `_config.yml` * `syspages/`: * Edit page title and description in YAML front matter. * For web search to work, specify [Google Custom Search Engine](https://cse.google.com) API key for `google_search` variable. * Tag generation is experimental and dynamic size for tag box may need to be adjusted if you have more than 100 posts with one or two frequently occurring tags. * All `{% for ... %}...{% endfor %}` loop operations will increase site build time, and remove such features (tags, meta info, related posts, etc.) under `_includes`, `_layouts` and `syspages` if required. * `pages/contact.md` * Edit page title and description. * Edit address, driving direction url, etc. * `pages/cv.md` * Edit `_config.yml` to add twitter, google plus, linkedin, google scholar, ORCID profile info under owner heading. * Add pdf at `{{ site.url }}/cv/cv.pdf` * `pages/publications.md` * Add your publications at `/files/mypubs.bib` and `_includes/mypubs.html`. See above under `_includes` for more. * `pages/disclosure.md` * Appreciated if you keep relevant credits in disclosure page. * `humans.txt` * Replace `foo` with your name. * `rfeed.xml` * Not required unless you are cross-posting about R language on blog aggregation site(s). END {% endraw %}