# Permalinks
# Use of `relative_permalinks` ensures post links from the index work properly.
#permalink:           pretty
# permalink: /:year-:month-:day-:title/
permalink: /:title/
relative_permalinks: false

# Setup
title:               Les Crapauds Fous
#tagline:             'foo's website
description:         La Fable Moderne d'un Monde Libre et juste un peu Fou
url:                 http://localhost:4000
baseurl:  ""
urlimg: http://localhost:4000/images
markdown: kramdown
paginate: 10
paginate_path: "/textes/page:num"
excerpt_separator: <!--more-->
default_bg: crapaud_fou_sourire.jpg 
safe: false
#timezone:    America/Chicago
future:      true
github: https://github.com/crazy-toads/crazy-toads.github.io

  - jekyll-paginate
  - jemoji
  - font-awesome-sass
  - kramdown
  - rouge

include: [".htaccess"]
exclude: ["lib", "config.rb", "Gemfile", "Capfile", "Gemfile.lock", "config", "log", "Rakefile", "Rakefile.rb", "rakefile", "README.md", "tmp", "less", "*.sublime-project", "*.sublime-workspace", "test", "spec", "Gruntfile.js", "package.json", "node_modules", "LICENSE", "vendor", "assets", "_plugins", "public/dormant"]

# About/contact
  name:              Le Crapaud Fou
  url:               https://twitter.com/abcd
  avatar:            crapaud-fou.png

# Owner/author information
  name:           Le Crapaud Fou
  avatar:         crapaud-fou.png
  # Use the coder's toolbox at http://coderstoolbox.net/string/#!encoding=xml&action=encode&charset=us_ascii to encode your description into XML string
  # Social networking links used in footer. Update and remove as you like.
  github:         crazy-toads

## sidebar links:
# For external links add external: true
  - title: <i class="iconside iconm-home"></i> Accueil
    url: /
  - title: <i class="iconside iconm-compass2"></i> Manifeste du crapaud
    url: /manifeste_du_crapaud/ 
  - title: <i class="iconside iconm-blog"></i> Cercles & Principes
    url: /cercles/
  - separator: true
  - title: <i class="iconside iconm-bullhorn"></i> Les Nouvelles
    url: /nouvelles/
  - title: <i class="iconside iconm-users"></i> Nous rejoindre
    url: /contact/
  - title: <i class="iconside iconm-users"></i> Carte des Crapauds
    url: /carte/
  - title: <i class="iconside iconm-bubbles"></i> Statistiques du chat
    url: /channelsstats/
  - separator: true
  - title: <i class="iconside iconm-bubbles"></i> Discuter
    url: https://coa.crapaud-fou.org
    external: true
  - title: <i class="iconside iconm-play"></i> Wiki
    url: https://wiki.crapaud-fou.org
    external: true
  - separator: true
  - title: <i class="iconside iconm-git-square"></i> Source
    url: https://github.com/crazy-toads/crazy-toads.github.io
    external: true
  - title: <i class="iconside iconm-rss"></i> Feed
    url: /feed.xml
  - separator: true

# Google Custom Search:
#google_search: xyz123abc

# Twitter stream widget:
# Replace xyz123abc with your twitter widget id from https://twitter.com/settings/widgets
#twitter_widget_id: xyz123abc

# Add disqus username for Disqus comment board:
# disqus_shortname: foo

# Analytics and webmaster tools stuff goes here
#google_analytics:   xyz123abc