// UTILITY FILE, DO NOT EDIT // ===== Extra Math ===== // gzd = gridz_define; dht = (gzd==0)?gridz*7 : (gzd==1)?h_bot+gridz+h_base : gridz-(enable_lip?3.8:0); assert(dht > 0, "Height is too small!"); dht2 = enable_zsnap?((abs(dht)%7==0)?dht:dht+7-abs(dht)%7):dht; d_height = dht2-h_base; r_scoop = length*((d_height-2)/7+1)/12 - r_f2; // scoop radius d_wall2 = r_base-r_c1-d_clear*sqrt(2); xl = gridx*length-2*d_clear-2*d_wall+d_div; yl = gridy*length-2*d_clear-2*d_wall+d_div; echo("====="); echo(height_total=d_height+h_base+(enable_lip?3.8:0)); echo(effective_units=(d_height+h_base)/7); echo("====="); // ===== User Modules ===== // // Creates an equally divided gridfinity bin. // // n_divx: number of x compartments (ideally, coprime w/ gridx) // n_divy: number of y compartments (ideally, coprime w/ gridy) // set n_div values to 0 for a solid bin // style_tab: tab style for all compartments. see cut() // enable_scoop: scoop toggle for all compartments. see cut() module gridfinityEqual(n_divx=1, n_divy=1, style_tab=1, enable_scoop=true) { gridfinityCustom() for (i = [1:n_divx]) for (j = [1:n_divy]) cut((i-1)*gridx/n_divx,(j-1)*gridy/n_divy, gridx/n_divx, gridy/n_divy, style_tab, enable_scoop); } // wrapper module // DOES NOT CHECK FOR VALID COMPARTMENT STRUCTURE module gridfinityCustom() { difference() { color("firebrick") block_bottom(d_height); children(); } color("orange") block_base(); color("royalblue") block_wall(); } // Function to include in the custom() module to individually slice bins // Will try to clamp values to fit inside the provided base size // // x: start coord. x=1 is the left side of the bin. // y: start coord. y=1 is the bottom side of the bin. // w: width of compartment, in # of bases covered // h: height of compartment, in # of basese covered // t: tab style of this specific compartment. // alignment only matters if the compartment size is larger than d_tabw // 0:full, 1:auto, 2:left, 3:center, 4:right, 5:none // Automatic alignment will use left tabs for bins on the left edge, right tabs for bins on the right edge, and center tabs everywhere else. // s: toggle the rounded back corner that allows for easy removal module cut(x=0, y=0, w=1, h=1, t=1, s=true) { cut_move(x,y,w,h) block_cutter(clp(x,0,gridx), clp(y,0,gridy), clp(w,0,gridx-x), clp(h,0,gridy-y), t, s); } // Translates an object from the origin point to the center of the requested compartment block, can be used to add custom cuts in the bin // See cut() module for parameter descriptions module cut_move(x, y, w, h) { cut_move_unsafe(clp(x,0,gridx), clp(y,0,gridy), clp(w,0,gridx-x), clp(h,0,gridy-y)) children(); } // ===== Modules ===== // module profile_base() { polygon([ [0,0], [0,h_base], [r_base,h_base], [r_base-r_c2,h_base-r_c2], [r_base-r_c2,r_c1], [r_base-r_c2-r_c1,0] ]); } module block_base() { translate([0,0,h_base]) rounded_rectangle(gridx*length-0.5+0.002, gridy*length-0.5+0.002, h_bot/1.5, r_fo1/2+0.001); // translate([0,0,h_base]) intersection(){ rounded_rectangle(gridx*length-0.5+0.002, gridy*length-0.5+0.002, h_base+h_bot/2, r_fo1/2+0.001); pattern_linear(gridx, gridy, length) render() difference() { translate([0,0,h_base]) mirror([0,0,1]) union() { hull() { rounded_square(length-2*r_c2-2*r_c1, h_base, r_fo3/2); rounded_square(length-2*r_c2, h_base-r_c1, r_fo2/2); } hull() { rounded_square(length-2*r_c2, r_c2, r_fo2/2); mirror([0,0,1]) rounded_square(length, h_bot/2, r_fo1/2); } } if (enable_holes) pattern_circular(4) translate([d_hole/2, d_hole/2, 0]) { union() { difference() { cylinder(h = 2*(h_hole+(enable_hole_slit?0.2:0)), r = r_hole2, center=true); if (enable_hole_slit) copy_mirror([0,1,0]) translate([-1.5*r_hole2,r_hole1+0.1,h_hole]) cube([r_hole2*3,r_hole2*3, 0.4]); } cylinder(h = 3*h_base, r = r_hole1, center=true); } } } } } module profile_wall_sub() { difference() { polygon([ [0,0], [d_wall/2,0], [d_wall/2,d_height-1.2-d_wall2+d_wall/2], [d_wall2-d_clear,d_height-1.2], [d_wall2-d_clear,d_height+h_base], [0,d_height+h_base] ]); color("red") offset(delta = 0.25) translate([r_base-d_clear,d_height,0]) mirror([1,0,0]) profile_base(); square([d_wall,0]); } } module profile_wall() { translate([r_base,0,0]) mirror([1,0,0]) difference() { profile_wall_sub(); difference() { translate([0, d_height+h_base-d_clear*sqrt(2), 0]) circle(r_base/2); offset(r = r_f1) offset(delta = -r_f1) profile_wall_sub(); } } } // lipless profile module profile_wall2() { translate([r_base,0,0]) mirror([1,0,0]) square([d_wall,d_height]); } module block_wall() { translate([0,0,h_base]) sweep_rounded(gridx*length-2*r_base-0.5-0.001, gridy*length-2*r_base-0.5-0.001) if (enable_lip) profile_wall(); else profile_wall2(); } module block_bottom( h = 2.2 ) { translate([0,0,h_base+0.1]) rounded_rectangle(gridx*length-0.5-d_wall/4, gridy*length-0.5-d_wall/4, d_height-0.1, r_base+0.01); } module cut_move_unsafe(x, y, w, h) { translate([(x)*xl/gridx,(y)*yl/gridy,0]) translate([(-xl+d_div)/2,(-yl+d_div)/2,0]) translate([(w*xl/gridx-d_div)/2,(h*yl/gridy-d_div)/2,0]) children(); } module block_cutter(x,y,w,h,t,s) { v_len_tab = d_tabh; v_len_lip = d_wall2-d_wall+1.2; v_cut_tab = d_tabh - (4*r_f1)/tan(a_tab); v_cut_lip = d_wall2-d_wall-d_clear; v_ang_tab = a_tab; v_ang_lip = 45; ycutfirst = y == 0 && enable_lip; ycutlast = abs(y+h-gridy)<0.001 && enable_lip; xcutfirst = x == 0 && enable_lip; xcutlast = abs(x+w-gridx)<0.001 && enable_lip; zsmall = (d_height+h_base)/7 < 3; ylen = h*yl/gridy-d_div; xlen = w*xl/gridx-d_div; height = d_height; extent = (s && ycutfirst ? d_wall2-d_wall : 0); tab = (zsmall || t == 5) ? (ycutlast?v_len_lip:0) : v_len_tab; ang = (zsmall || t == 5) ? (ycutlast?v_ang_lip:0) : v_ang_tab; cut = (zsmall || t == 5) ? (ycutlast?v_cut_lip:0) : v_cut_tab; style = (t > 1 && t < 5) ? t-3 : (x == 0 ? -1 : xcutlast ? 1 : 0); translate([0,ylen/2,h_base+h_bot]) rotate([90,0,-90]) { if (!zsmall && xlen - d_tabw > 4*r_f2 && t != 0) { fillet_cutter(3,"bisque") difference() { transform_tab(style, xlen, ((xcutfirst&&style==-1)||(xcutlast&&style==1))?v_cut_lip:0) translate([ycutlast?d_wall2-d_wall:0,0]) profile_cutter(height-h_bot, ylen/2, s); if (xcutfirst) translate([0,0,(xlen/2-r_f2)-v_cut_lip]) cube([ylen,height,v_cut_lip*2]); if (xcutlast) translate([0,0,-(xlen/2-r_f2)-v_cut_lip]) cube([ylen,height,v_cut_lip*2]); } if (t != 0 && t != 5) fillet_cutter(2,"indigo") difference() { transform_tab(style, xlen, ((xcutfirst&&style==-1)||(xcutlast&&style==1))?v_cut_lip:0) difference() { intersection() { profile_cutter(height-h_bot, ylen-extent, s); profile_cutter_tab(height-h_bot, v_len_tab, v_ang_tab); } if (ycutlast) profile_cutter_tab(height-h_bot, v_len_lip, 45); } if (xcutfirst) translate([ylen/2,0,xlen/2]) rotate([0,90,0]) transform_main(2*ylen) profile_cutter_tab(height-h_bot, v_len_lip, v_ang_lip); if (xcutlast) translate([ylen/2,0,-xlen/2]) rotate([0,-90,0]) transform_main(2*ylen) profile_cutter_tab(height-h_bot, v_len_lip, v_ang_lip); } } fillet_cutter(1,"seagreen") translate([0,0,xcutlast?v_cut_lip/2:0]) translate([0,0,xcutfirst?-v_cut_lip/2:0]) transform_main(xlen-(xcutfirst?v_cut_lip:0)-(xcutlast?v_cut_lip:0)) translate([cut,0]) profile_cutter(height-h_bot, ylen-extent-cut-(!s&&ycutfirst?v_cut_lip:0), s); fillet_cutter(0,"hotpink") difference() { transform_main(xlen) difference() { profile_cutter(height-h_bot, ylen-extent, s); if (!((zsmall || t == 5) && !ycutlast)) profile_cutter_tab(height-h_bot, tab, ang); if (!s && y == 0) translate([ylen-extent,0,0]) mirror([1,0,0]) profile_cutter_tab(height-h_bot, v_len_lip, v_ang_lip); } if (xcutfirst) color("indigo") translate([ylen/2,0,xlen/2]) rotate([0,90,0]) transform_main(2*ylen) profile_cutter_tab(height-h_bot, v_len_lip, v_ang_lip); if (xcutlast) color("indigo") translate([ylen/2,0,-xlen/2]) rotate([0,-90,0]) transform_main(2*ylen) profile_cutter_tab(height-h_bot, v_len_lip, v_ang_lip); } } } module transform_main(xlen) { translate([0,0,-(xlen-2*r_f2)/2]) linear_extrude(xlen-2*r_f2) children(); } module transform_tab(type, xlen, cut) { mirror([0,0,type==1?1:0]) copy_mirror([0,0,-(abs(type)-1)]) translate([0,0,-(xlen)/2]) translate([0,0,r_f2]) linear_extrude((xlen-d_tabw-abs(cut))/(1-(abs(type)-1))-2*r_f2) children(); } module fillet_cutter(t = 0, c = "goldenrod") { color(c) minkowski() { children(); sphere(r = r_f2-t/1000); } } module profile_cutter(h, length, s) { scoop = s ? r_scoop : 0; translate([r_f2,r_f2]) hull() { if (length-scoop-2*r_f2 > 0) square(0.1); if (scoop < h) { translate([length-2*r_f2,h-r_f2/2]) mirror([1,1]) square(0.1); translate([0,h-r_f2/2]) mirror([0,1]) square(0.1); } difference() { translate([length-scoop-2*r_f2, scoop]) if (scoop != 0) { intersection() { circle(scoop); mirror([0,1]) square(2*scoop); } } else mirror([1,0]) square(0.1); translate([length-scoop-2*r_f2,-1]) square([-(length-scoop-2*r_f2),2*h]); translate([0,h]) square([2*length,scoop]); } } } module profile_cutter_tab(h, tab, ang) { if (tab > 0) color("blue") offset(delta = r_f2) polygon([[0,h],[tab,h],[0,h-tab*tan(ang)]]); } // ==== Utilities ===== function clp(x,a,b) = min(max(x,a),b); module rounded_rectangle(length, width, height, rad) { linear_extrude(height) offset(rad) offset(-rad) square([length,width], center = true); } module rounded_square(length, height, rad) { rounded_rectangle(length, length, height, rad); } module copy_mirror(vec=[0,1,0]) { children(); if (vec != [0,0,0]) mirror(vec) children(); } module pattern_linear(x = 1, y = 1, spacing = 0) { translate([-(x-1)*spacing/2,-(y-1)*spacing/2,0]) for (i = [1:x]) for (j = [1:y]) translate([(i-1)*spacing,(j-1)*spacing,0]) children(); } module pattern_circular(n=2) { for (i = [1:n]) rotate(i*360/n) children(); } module sweep_rounded(w=10, h=10) { union() pattern_circular(2) { copy_mirror([1,0,0]) translate([w/2,h/2,0]) rotate_extrude(angle = 90, convexity = 4) children(); translate([w/2,0,0]) rotate([90,0,0]) linear_extrude(height = h, center = true) children(); rotate([0,0,90]) translate([h/2,0,0]) rotate([90,0,0]) linear_extrude(height = w, center = true) children(); } }