-- Keymaps are automatically loaded on the VeryLazy event -- Default keymaps that are always set: https://github.com/LazyVim/LazyVim/blob/main/lua/lazyvim/config/keymaps.lua -- Add any additional keymaps here local map = vim.keymap.set map({ "i", "x", "n", "s" }, "", function() require("harpoon"):list():select(1) end, { desc = "Harpoon file 1" }) map({ "i", "x", "n", "s" }, "", function() require("harpoon"):list():select(2) end, { desc = "Harpoon file 2" }) map({ "i", "x", "n", "s" }, "", function() require("harpoon"):list():select(3) end, { desc = "Harpoon file 3" }) map({ "i", "x", "n", "s" }, "", function() require("harpoon"):list():select(4) end, { desc = "Harpoon file 4" }) map({ "i", "x", "n", "s" }, "", function() require("harpoon"):list():select(5) end, { desc = "Harpoon file 5" }) map({ "i", "x", "n", "s" }, "", function() require("harpoon"):list():select(6) end, { desc = "Harpoon file 6" }) map({ "i", "x", "n", "s" }, "", function() require("harpoon"):list():select(7) end, { desc = "Harpoon file 7" }) map({ "i", "x", "n", "s" }, "", function() require("harpoon"):list():select(8) end, { desc = "Harpoon file 8" }) -- Move Lines map("n", "", "m .+1==", { desc = "Move Down" }) map("n", "", "m .-2==", { desc = "Move Up" }) map("i", "", "m .+1==gi", { desc = "Move Down" }) map("i", "", "m .-2==gi", { desc = "Move Up" }) map("v", "", ":m '>+1gv=gv", { desc = "Move Down" }) map("v", "", ":m '<-2gv=gv", { desc = "Move Up" })