#!/bin/bash REPLAY_RESOLUTION=1280x720 LIVE_RESOLUTION=854x480 LIVE_AVBR=1024 LIVE_MVBR=1280 REPLAY_AVBR=2048 REPLAY_MVBR=3072 ABITRATE=128 V4LDEVICE=0 FPS=10 if [[ $# -lt 4 ]] ; then echo "Not enough arguments supplied" >&2 echo "You need to pass the PeerTube server name as the " >&2 echo "first parameter the rtmp port as the second, the" >&2 echo "streaming key as the third and the v4l2 device as the fourth" >&2 echo " " >&2 echo "syntax: " >&2 echo " $(basename $0) " >&2 echo " " >&2 echo "Example :" >&2 echo " `basename $0` tube.example.com 1935 69ac2d29-eba4-4d5f-a3a6-6047e6768ffb 0" >&2 exit 1 fi URL=rtmp://$1:$2/live/$3 V4LDEVICE=$4 KEYFRAMEINTERVAL=$(echo "2*${FPS}" | bc) BUFFERSIZE=$(echo "2*${VBITRATE}" | bc) FILENAME=${1}-cam${V4LDEVICE} echo " " echo Will stream to $URL echo and save a copy of the data file : echo $FILENAME # A la ligne xx, utiliser ces lignes pour avoir un son de test généré par ffmpeg : # -f lavfi -i aevalsrc="(1-min(1\,mod(floor(5*t)\,50)))*0.1*sin(8*PI*(360-2.5/2)*t)+0.1*sin(2*PI*(360-2.5/2)*t)|(1-min(1\,mod(floor(5*t)\,50)))*0.1*sin(8*PI*(360+2.5/2)*t)+0.1*sin(2*PI*(360+2.5/2)*t):sample_rate=48000" \ # -ar 48000 \ # -channel_layout stereo \ # -c:a aac -b:a ${ABITRATE}k \ # A la ligne xx, utiliser ces lignes pour avoir le son de la caméra : # -f alsa -ac 2 -i hw:CARD=CAMERA,DEV=${V4LDEVICE} \ # -c:a copy \ # A la ligne xx, utiliser ces lignes pour avoir le son d'une web radio : # -f aac -ac 2 -i \ # -c:a copy \ ffmpeg \ -loglevel level \ -y \ -f v4l2 -framerate 30 -video_size ${REPLAY_RESOLUTION} -input_format mjpeg -i /dev/video${V4LDEVICE} \ -f aac -ac 2 -i \ -c:a copy \ -filter_complex "[0:v]drawtext='font=DejaVuSansMono:text=%{pts}: fontcolor=white: fontsize=h/24: box=1: boxcolor=black@0.43: boxborderw=5: x=mod(floor(t/10+1)\,2)*mod(t*(w-text_w)/10\,w-text_w)+mod(floor(t/10)\,2)*(w-text_w-mod(t*(w-text_w)/10\,w-text_w)): y=text_h/2', drawtext='font=DejaVuSansMono:text=%{localtime}: fontcolor=white: fontsize=h/20: box=1: boxcolor=black@0.43: boxborderw=5: x=text_h: y=h-3*text_h/2', split=2[out1][out2]" \ -flags +global_header -preset superfast \ -map '[out1]' -pix_fmt yuv420p -s ${LIVE_RESOLUTION} -c:v libx264 -b:v ${LIVE_AVBR}k -maxrate:v ${LIVE_MVBR}k -g:v ${KEYFRAMEINTERVAL} \ -keyint_min:v ${KEYFRAMEINTERVAL} -r:v ${FPS} -x264-params:v scenecut=0:open_gop=0 -bufsize:v 4096k -profile:v high \ -map 1:a \ -f flv ${URL} \ -map '[out2]' -pix_fmt yuv420p -s ${REPLAY_RESOLUTION} -c:v libx264 -b:v ${LIVE_AVBR}k -maxrate:v ${LIVE_MVBR}k -g:v ${KEYFRAMEINTERVAL} \ -keyint_min:v ${KEYFRAMEINTERVAL} -r:v ${FPS} -x264-params:v scenecut=0:open_gop=0 -bufsize:v 8192k -profile:v high \ -map 1:a \ -f matroska -f segment -segment_time 10:00 -reset_timestamps 1 -strftime 1 "${FILENAME}_%Y-%m-%d_%H-%M-%S.mkv" # Notes # Commande ffmpeg utilisée par own_cast #/usr/bin/ffmpeg -hide_banner -loglevel warning \ #-fflags +genpts \ #-i pipe:0 -map v:0 \ #-c:v:0 libx264 -b:v:0 1008k -maxrate:v:0 1088k -g:v:0 48 -keyint_min:v:0 48 -r:v:0 24 \ #-x264-params:v:0 scenecut=0:open_gop=0 -bufsize:v:0 1088k -profile:v:0 high \ #-map a:0? -c:a:0 copy \ #-preset superfast \ #-var_stream_map v:0,a:0 \ #-f hls -hls_time 2 -hls_list_size 15 -hls_flags program_date_time+independent_segments+omit_endlist \ #-segment_format_options mpegts_flags=mpegts_copyts=1 \ #-tune zerolatency \ #-pix_fmt yuv420p \ #-sc_threshold 0 \ #-master_pl_name stream.m3u8 \ #-hls_segment_filename \ #-max_muxing_queue_size 400 \ #-method PUT