Un bot rocketchat pour les crapauds fous.
Updated 2022-10-22 21:38:07 +00:00
Tool used to create the raspberrypi.org Raspbian images
Updated 2022-11-18 10:32:05 +00:00
Modèles 3D lié au projet charavane
Updated 2023-01-15 10:51:17 +00:00
Deploy a Production Ready Kubernetes Cluster on bare metal or raw VMs - This is a clone of https://github.com/kubernetes-sigs/kubespray.git with a kitten twist.
Updated 2022-12-21 22:36:07 +00:00
Deploy self hosted applications on a Kubernetes cluster using GitOps principles with ArgoCD and ApplicationSets
Updated 2022-12-23 09:50:49 +00:00
Boitier à imprimer en 3D pour réaliser un système de démo CLIC basé sur un Odroid M1
Updated 2023-02-20 23:33:43 +00:00
A list of Free Software network services and web applications which can be hosted on your own servers (mirror of https://github.com/awesome-selfhosted/awesome-selfhosted )
Updated 2024-05-05 15:28:08 +00:00