# Contributors ## List and function of all the different contributors of the AREN platform ### LIRMM * **Mathieu Lafourcade** - *Project manager* and *Natural Language Processing* * **Noémie-Fleur Sandillon-Rezer** - *IT developer* and *Natural Language Processing* * **Florent Descroix** - *IT developer* and *Design* ### LIRDEF * **Manuel Bächtold** - *Pedagogy of the debate* and *Contact with teaching* * **Valérie Munier** - *Pedagogy of the debate* and *Contact with teaching* * **Gabriel Pallarès** - *PhD : Develop the argumentative skills of high school students through numerical debates on Socio-Scientific Questions Towards a didactics of argumentation and critical thinking* * **Kevin de Checchi** - *PhD : The training of argumentation and the development of critical thinking: contributions of personal epistemology and reflexive activities* * **Capucine Huet** - *PhD : Digital debate and learning disabilities: a new field of possibilities?* ### Mezoa * **Damien Hinsinger** - *Visualisation* ### Cartodébat * **Claire Ollagnon** - *UX Design* and *Participative conception of the uses* * **Philippe Estival** - *IT developer of the seminal version Dialoguea* ### Académie de Montpellier * **Sébastien Méjean** - *Link with the Academy* ### Forum des débats * **Jean Sallantin** - *Formal foundations* * **Véronique Pinet** - *Philosophical foundation* ### Controversciences * **Thibault Latrille** - *Texts founding*