package; import fr.lirmm.aren.model.vm.VMChoice; import fr.lirmm.aren.service.vm.VMChoiceService; import fr.lirmm.aren.service.vm.VMVoteService; import; import; import javax.enterprise.context.RequestScoped; import javax.inject.Inject; import; import java.util.List; import java.util.Set; /** * @author ANDRIAMBOLAHARIMIHANTA Havana on 08/07/2021 * @project aren-1 */ @RequestScoped @Path("vm/choices") public class VMChoiceRESTFacade extends AbstractRESTFacade{ @Inject VMChoiceService choiceService ; @Inject VMVoteService voteService ; @Override protected VMChoiceService getService() { return choiceService; } /** * * @param choice * @return */ @Override //@RolesAllowed({"ADMIN"}) @PermitAll public VMChoice create(VMChoice choice){ return super.create(choice) ; } /** * * @param id of the Entity to update * @param choice * @return */ @Override public VMChoice edit(Long id,VMChoice choice){ return super.edit(id,choice) ; } /** * * @param id of the Entity to remove */ @Override @RolesAllowed({"ADMIN"}) public void remove(Long id) { super.remove(id); } /** * * @return */ @Override @PermitAll public Set findAll() { boolean withVotes = this.overview == null; Set choices= choiceService.findAll(withVotes); return choices ; } /** * * @param id of the Entity to fetch * @return */ @Override @PermitAll public VMChoice find(Long id) { boolean withVotes = this.overview == null; return choiceService.find(id,withVotes); } }