2021-05-06 17:43:49 +03:00

59 lines
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# Change the production mode to alter some logging in the application
# On the client side, if set as true, the javascript and css loaded will be the minified ones
production = false
# If you are behind a reverse proxy, write here the end user root url
# Example :
reverse-proxy =
# A unique identification of you web server. Used for remote requets
# Example : My_Institution =
# Secret use for the creation of JWT token
authentication.jwt.secret =
# Issuer for the JWT token
# Example :
authentication.jwt.issuer =
# Audience for the JWT token
# Example :
authentication.jwt.audience =
# Validation time for the JWT tokens, in seconds
# Default is one year
authentication.jwt.validFor = 31536000
# Other configuration for JWT token, don't change if you don't know what you do
authentication.jwt.clockSkew = 10
authentication.jwt.claimNames.authorities = authorities
authentication.jwt.claimNames.refreshCount = refreshCount
authentication.jwt.claimNames.refreshLimit = refreshLimit
# SMTP configuration
# String
smtp.server =
# Boolean
smtp.auth =
# Int
smtp.port =
# Boolean
smtp.tls =
# String
smtp.username =
# String
smtp.password =
# ENT conexion configuration
# Example :
cas.url =
# AREN tools
# The Python scalar server
scalar.url =
# The python theme server
theme.url =
# Remote tool configuration
idefix.url =