wiki = $wiki; } protected function configure() { $this // the name of the command : ./yeswicli helloworld:hello" ->setName('meeo:update') // the short description shown while running "./yeswicli list" ->setDescription('Update la liste des élèves depuis les utilisateurs Yunohost') // the full command description shown when running the command with // the "--help" option // ->setHelp("This command display the message \"Hello !\" with options for uppercase of add a username.\n" . // "The argument \"username\" can be used to add a username. Example : \n" . // "Command line'./yeswicli helloworld:hello \"John Smith\"' gives \"Hello John Smith !\"") // add argument for username // second parameter could be InputArgument::OPTIONAL <=> null, InputArgument::REQUIRED, InputArgument::IS_ARRAY // third parameter is the description // forth parameter is default value // ->addArgument('username', InputArgument::OPTIONAL, 'Username') // add option to display output as UPPERCASE // second parameter null|string is shortcut // third parameter null|int could be InputOption::VALUE_NONE <=> null, InputOption::VALUE_REQUIRED // , InputOption::VALUE_OPTIONAL, InputOption::VALUE_IS_ARRAY, InputOption::VALUE_NEGATABLE // forth parameter is the description // ->addOption('uppercase', 'u', InputOption::VALUE_NONE, 'Display output in UPPERCASE') ; } protected function execute(InputInterface $input, OutputInterface $output) { $entryManager = $this->wiki->services->get(EntryManager::class); $params = $this->wiki->services->get(ParameterBagInterface::class); $meeo_config = $params->get('meeo'); $yunohostFormId = $meeo_config['yunohostFormId']; $elevesFormId = $meeo_config['elevesFormId']; $yunohostEntries = $entryManager->search(['formsIds' => $yunohostFormId]); // echo var_dump($yunohostEntries)."\n"; foreach ($yunohostEntries as $yunohostEntry) { // echo var_dump($yunohostEntry)."\n"; $eleveEntry = $entryManager->search(['formsIds' => $elevesFormId, 'queries' => [ 'bf_titre' => $yunohostEntry['bf_titre'] ]]); if ($eleveEntry == null) { $entryManager->create($elevesFormId, [ 'bf_titre' => $yunohostEntry['id_fiche'], 'listefiche'.$this->yunohostFormId.'Listebf_nom' => $yunohostEntry['id_fiche'], 'antispam' => 1 ]); } } return Command::SUCCESS; } }