* Add optional NAT support in calico router mode
* Add a blank line in front of lists
* Remove mutual exclusivity: NAT and router mode
* Ignore router mode from NAT
* Update calico doc
It seems that PR #8839 broke `calico_datastore: etcd` when it removed ipamconfig support for etcd mode.
This PR fixes some failing tasks when `calico_datastore == etcd`, but it does not restore ipamconfig support for calico in etcd mode. If someone wants to restore ipamconfig support for `calico_datastore: etcd` please submit a follow up PR for that.
* [calico] make vxlan encapsulation the default
* don't enable ipip encapsulation by default
* set calico_network_backend by default to vxlan
* update sample inventory and documentation
* [CI] pin default calico parameters for upgrade tests to ensure proper upgrade
* [CI] improve netchecker connectivity testing
* [CI] show logs for tests
* [calico] tweak task name
* [CI] Don't run the provisioner from vagrant since we run it in testcases_run.sh
* [CI] move kube-router tests to vagrant to avoid network connectivity issues during netchecker check
* service proxy mode still fails connectivity tests so keeping it manual mode
* [kube-router] account for containerd use-case
* [calico] upgrade 3.19.x to 3.19.4
* [calico] upgrade 3.20.x to 3.20.4
* [calico] upgrade 3.21.x to 3.21.4 and make it the default
* [calico] add 3.22.0 checksums
* [calico] account for path changes in calico 3.21.4 crd archive and above
This fixes the following types of failures:
- empty-string-compare
- literal-compare
- risky-file-permissions
- risky-shell-pipe
- var-spacing
In addition, this changes .gitlab-ci/lint.yml to block the same issue
by using the same method at Kubespray CI.
When running ansible-lint directly, we can see a lot of warning
message like
risky-file-permissions File permissions unset or incorrect
This fixes the warning messages.
kube-bench scan outputs warning related to Calico like:
* text: "Ensure that the Container Network Interface file
permissions are set to 644 or more restrictive (Manual)"
* text: "Ensure that the Container Network Interface file
ownership is set to root:root (Manual)"
This fixes these warnings.
When using Calico with:
- `calico_network_backend: vxlan`,
- `calico_ipip_mode: "Never"`,
- `calico_vxlan_mode: "Always"`,
the `FelixConfiguration` object has `ipipEnabled: true`, when it should be false:
This is caused by an error in the `| bool` conversion in the install task:
when `calico_ipip_mode` is `Never`,
`{{ calico_ipip_mode != 'Never' | bool }}` evaluates to `true`:
* Calico: align manifests with upstream
* allow enabling typha prometheus metrics
* Calico: enable eBPF support
* manage the kubernetes-services-endpoint configmap
* Calico: document the use of eBPF dataplane
* Calico: improve checks before deployment
* enforce disabling kube-proxy when using eBPF dataplane
* ensure calico_version is supported
* Calico: add v3.19.1 hashes
* enable liveness probe for calico-kube-controllers
* Calico: drop support for v3.16.x
* Calico: promote v3.18.3 as default
* add initial MetalLB docs
* metallb allow disabling the deployment of the metallb speaker
* calico>=3.18 allow using calico to advertise service loadbalancer IPs
* Document the use of MetalLB and Calico
* clean MetalLB docs
* rename ansible groups to use _ instead of -
k8s-cluster -> k8s_cluster
k8s-node -> k8s_node
calico-rr -> calico_rr
no-floating -> no_floating
Note: kube-node,k8s-cluster groups in upgrade CI
need clean-up after v2.16 is tagged
* ensure old groups are mapped to the new ones
* calico: drop support for version 3.15
* drop check for calico version >= 3.3, we are at 3.16 minimum now
* we moved to calico 3.16+ so we can default to /opt/cni/bin/install
This replaces kube-master with kube_control_plane because of [1]:
The Kubernetes project is moving away from wording that is
considered offensive. A new working group WG Naming was created
to track this work, and the word "master" was declared as offensive.
A proposal was formalized for replacing the word "master" with
"control plane". This means it should be removed from source code,
documentation, and user-facing configuration from Kubernetes and
its sub-projects.
NOTE: The reason why this changes it to kube_control_plane not
kube-control-plane is for valid group names on ansible.
[1]: https://github.com/kubernetes/enhancements/blob/master/keps/sig-cluster-lifecycle/kubeadm/2067-rename-master-label-taint/README.md#motivation
* Download Calico KDD CRDs
* Replace kustomize with lineinfile and use ansible assemble module
* Replace find+lineinfile by sed in shell module to avoid nested loop
* add condition on sed
* use block for kdd tasks + remove supernumerary kdd manifest apply in start "Start Calico resources"