2017-05-18 17:52:44 -04:00

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To deploy kubespray on AWS uncomment the cloud_provider option in group_vars/all.yml and set it to 'aws'.

Prior to creating your instances, you must ensure that you have created IAM roles and policies for both "kubernetes-master" and "kubernetes-node". You can find the IAM policies here. See the IAM Documentation if guidance is needed on how to set these up. When you bring your instances online, associate them with the respective IAM role. Nodes that are only to be used for Etcd do not need a role.

The next step is to make sure the hostnames in your inventory file are identical to your internal hostnames in AWS. This may look something like ip-111-222-333-444.us-west-2.compute.internal. You can then specify how Ansible connects to these instances with ansible_ssh_host and ansible_ssh_user.

You can now create your cluster!

Dynamic Inventory

There is also a dynamic inventory script for AWS that can be used if desired. However, be aware that it makes some certain assumptions about how you'll create your inventory. Guide:

  • Create instances in AWS as needed.
  • Add tags to the instances with a key of kargo-role and a value of kube-master, etcd, or kube-node. You can also share roles like kube-master, etcd
  • Copy the kargo-aws-inventory.py script from kargo/contrib/aws_inventory to the kargo/inventory directory.
  • Set the following AWS credentials and info as environment variables in your terminal:
export AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID="xxxxx"
export AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY="yyyyy"
export REGION="us-east-2"
  • We will now create our cluster. There will be either one or two small changes. The first is that we will specify -i inventory/kargo-aws-inventory.py as our inventory script. The other is conditional. If your AWS instances are public facing, you can set the VPC_VISIBILITY variable to public and that will result in public IP and DNS names being passed into the inventory. This causes your cluster.yml command to look like VPC_VISIBILITY="public" ansible-playbook ... cluster.yml