Lab 8916100448256 6f0f88b742 Update
2020-02-29 19:58:05 +00:00

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# Gandi Dynamic DNS
Cron job to auto update DNS records when WAN IP changes using Gandi Live DNS API on Debian GNU/Linux
## Requirements
+ Debian GNU/Linux 10 (Buster)
+ curl : `apt-get install curl`
+ dig : `apt-get install dnsutils`
## Install
Fetch script from git repo, install and configure
git clone ./gandi-dynamic-dns
cd ./gandi-dynamic-dns
sudo bash ./
Then configure DNS record info and API key in file /etc/live-dns/live-dns.conf
nano /etc/live-dns/live-dns.conf
## How it works
### /etc/cron.d/live-dns-update
Cron job definition to check for WAN IP change and call Live DNS API to update the DNS record if necessary.
By default runs the check/update script 2 times per hour, at every hour past 12 and 42 minutes.
### /etc/live-dns/live-dns.conf
Configuration file for the check/update script.
Needs to contains 3 environment variable definitions
+ DOMAIN="domain.tld" : Replace domain.tld with your domain name
+ RECORD="host" : Replace host with the sub domain you want to update when WAN IP changes
+ APIKEY="Your-API-Key" : Replace with you API key generated on the Gandi web interface.
Check this page if you don't know the APIKey of your Gandi account :
### /usr/local/bin/
This is the script that is called by the cron job.
+ First the WAN (external) IPV4 and IPV6 adresses are determined using
+ Then they are compared to the A and AAAA DNS records for the configured host and domain.
+ In case of mismatch Gandi live DNS API is called to update the DNS records
Information logs are written to the system log `/var/log/syslog`.
For Example :
Feb 12 12:42:02 passerelle root: WAN IPv4 :
Feb 12 12:42:02 passerelle root: WAN IPv6 : 1111:2222:3333:4444:5555:6666:7777:8888
Feb 12 12:42:02 passerelle root: DNS IPv4 :
Feb 12 12:42:02 passerelle root: DNS IPv6 : 1111:2222:3333:4444:5555:6666:7777:8888
Feb 12 12:42:02 passerelle root: No need to update IPv4 DNS record for sub.domain.tld
Feb 12 12:42:02 passerelle root: No need to update IPv6 DNS record for sub.domain.tld
This script is based on the []( sample provided by Gandi on their GitHub