1st refacto

This commit is contained in:
Mickael 2019-07-03 22:10:09 +02:00
parent 20157b2cd3
commit 2c188c4ccf

View file

@ -20,63 +20,62 @@ def getColor():
b = random.randrange(255)
return 'rgb({:0},{:0},{:0})'.format(r,g,b)
rocket = RocketChat(cfg.rocket['user'], cfg.rocket['password'],
def save(info):
# Récupération du répertoire racine du repo
rootFolder = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), '..')
# Répertoire pour stocker le fichier de sortie
dataFolder = os.path.join(rootFolder, 'public', 'data')
statsFilePath = os.path.abspath(
os.path.join(dataFolder, 'channelsstat.json'))
with open(statsFilePath, "w") as file_write:
json.dump(info, file_write)
def createElement(label, color, data) :
return {
"label": label,
"backgroundColor": color,
"data": data
def main():
rocket = RocketChat(cfg.rocket['user'], cfg.rocket['password'],
index = 0
labels = [None] * 12
messagesByChannel = []
messagesByTsunamy = []
usersByChannel = []
messagesDataTsunamy = {
index = 0
labels = [None] * 12
messagesByChannel = []
usersByChannel = []
messagesDataTsunamy = {
"global": [0] * 12,
"project": [0] * 12,
"democraty": [0] * 12,
"ecology": [0] * 12,
"technology": [0] * 12,
usersGlobal = []
usersGlobal = []
now = datetime.now()
date = datetime(now.year, now.month, now.day, 0,0,0)
now = datetime.now()
date = datetime(now.year, now.month, now.day, 0,0,0)
info = {
info = {
"updated": "updated {:02}/{:02}/{:04}".format(now.day, now.month, now.year),
"labels": labels,
"messagesByChannel": messagesByChannel,
"usersByChannel": usersByChannel,
"messagesByTsunamy": [{
"label": "global",
"backgroundColor": getColor(),
"data": messagesDataTsunamy['global']
"label": "projet",
"backgroundColor": getColor(),
"data": messagesDataTsunamy['project']
"label": "democratie",
"backgroundColor": getColor(),
"data": messagesDataTsunamy['democraty']
"label": "ecologie",
"backgroundColor": getColor(),
"data": messagesDataTsunamy['ecology']
"label": "technologie",
"backgroundColor": getColor(),
"data": messagesDataTsunamy['technology']
"messagesByTsunamy": [
createElement("global", getColor(), messagesDataTsunamy['global']),
createElement("project", getColor(), messagesDataTsunamy['project']),
createElement("democratie", getColor(), messagesDataTsunamy['democraty']),
createElement("ecologie", getColor(), messagesDataTsunamy['ecology']),
createElement("technologie", getColor(), messagesDataTsunamy['technology'])
"usersGlobal": usersGlobal
usersTest = [None] * 12
usersTest = [None] * 12
while True:
while True:
channels = rocket.channels_list(offset=index).json()
totalChannels = channels['total']
for channel in channels['channels']:
dataMess = []
@ -123,17 +122,8 @@ while True:
end = begin + monthdelta(1)
color = getColor()
messageByChannel = {
"label": channel['name'],
"backgroundColor": color,
"data": dataMess
userByChannel = {
"label": channel['name'],
"backgroundColor": color,
"data": dataUsers
messageByChannel = createElement(channel['name'], color,dataMess)
userByChannel = createElement( channel['name'], color,dataUsers)
@ -142,23 +132,13 @@ while True:
index += channels['count']
for id in range(0, 12):
for id in range(0, 12):
usersTest[id] = len(set(usersTest[id]))
userGlobal = {
"label": 'global',
"backgroundColor": 'red',
"data": usersTest
userGlobal = createElement( 'global', 'red', usersTest)
# Récupération du répertoire racine du repo
rootFolder = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), '..')
# Répertoire pour stocker le fichier de sortie
dataFolder = os.path.join(rootFolder, 'public', 'data')
statsFilePath = os.path.abspath(
os.path.join(dataFolder, 'channelsstat.json'))
with open(statsFilePath, "w") as file_write:
json.dump(info, file_write)
if __name__ == "__main__":