- renamed a bunch of stuff to make people's lives hard ig (more because the file hierarchy was really bad and needed improvement to make other dependent modules)
- updated README documentation to match new modules
- new constants file to clear up clutter in main files
- base function now separate from the bin function
- screw holes toggle
- renamed base file to utility to avoid confusion
- base dividing will now always be safe to use on baseplates (cannot divide into sections that cannot be multiplied by an integer to equal 1)
Height can now be defined by the unit height, internal height, or external height. Added lip toggle. Added option to snap bin to unit height. Fixed small protrusion at the bottom of the outside wall edge that made the STL look less clean. Split file into base file and command file, to allow for ease of use and possible future module expansion.
Redid the system of how bins are generated and placed in order to facilitate manual construction of compartments. Added small improvement where left and right wall lips will have fillets.
Old version of cutters had many shared surfaces which caused lag in preview window and caused fast-csg fail to provide speed boosts. Replaced with minkowski function to get the fillets. Benchmark: 5x3x6-5x2 reduced from 8 minutes to 6 seconds. Fixed a small error with the outer size (42mm to 41.5mm) to account for tolerances. Created gifs to illustrate the scripts functions.